Shangri-La Frontier is a Japanese anime series adapted from the manga of the same name. Written by Katarina and illustrated by Ryosuke Fuji, the story revolves around Rakuro Hizutome, a game hunter who loves to play trash games. One day, he discovers a mysterious VR game called Shangri-La Frontier. Instantly captivated, Rakuro becomes determined to be the first person to conquer this game.
The anime series Shangri-La Frontier debuted in October 2023 and continues to release new episodes weekly. It was first aired on the Japanese streaming platforms MBS and TBS but can now be streamed on Crunchyroll in most regions outside of Japan.
Shangri-La Frontier anime series is available to stream on Crunchyroll
Directed by Toshiyuki Kubooka, the anime premiered on October 1, 2023, and is still airing and releasing new episodes weekly. The series is listed for a total of 25 episodes. The anime faithfully follows the original manga, making only minor adjustments to the storyline and characters. Notably, the anime delves deeper into character backstories while also refining the pacing of the narrative.
The Shangri-La Frontier was initially released on MBS and TBS television channels in Japan. Global fans can enjoy it on Crunchyroll, a popular anime content streaming platform.
The original Shangri-La Frontier manga series began serialization in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine on July 15, 2020. As of October 24, 2023, 15 volumes of the manga have been released. New chapters are published every Wednesday.
Plot of the series
The story follows Rakuro Hizutome, a seasoned gamer who seeks excitement from playing low-quality games. However, his interest wanes after completing them. One day, he stumbles upon a virtual reality game called Shangri-La Frontier and decides to explore the world of virtual reality.
In the Shangri-La Frontier series, Rakuro discovers a realm filled with magic, mythical creatures, and boundless opportunities for adventure. As he delves deeper into the game, Rakuro realizes that it surpasses any gaming experience he has encountered before. With determination and a keen understanding of gaming mechanics, he tackles challenging quests and battles formidable foes to emerge victorious.
During his journey, Rakuro encounters a captivating ensemble of characters, including the enigmatic Rei Saiga, the alluring Towa Amane, and the formidable Lycaon the Nightslayer. Together, they confront the various trials of the game and uncover the hidden truths that lie within this immense gaming realm.
What to expect from the series?
The series offers captivating action scenes, delightful characters with a great sense of humor, and challenging puzzles. As the relatable protagonist, Rakuro Hizutome embarks on a journey to become the first person to conquer this newfound game.
The story revolves around the themes of resilience and triumph over adversity. As a talented gamer, Rakuro encounters numerous challenges in the game. Yet he never loses hope and continuously devises ways to conquer these obstacles. Ultimately, the series conveys the empowering message that with determination and dedication, anything can be accomplished.