Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead is a well-known manga series that is written by Haro Aso and illustrated by Kotaro Takata. This manga debuted in October 2018 and it was serialized in Monthly Sunday Gene-X. The anime adaptation was recently released, and the first episode left fans wanting more. Episode 2 of the title is now set to premiere on July 16, 2023
This is a great time to not only revisit the streaming platforms that offer Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead but also to take a closer look at the cast, staff, and plot of the anime adaptation.
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead streaming platforms and release details
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead will be available on Netflix and Hulu. Episode 2 is set to release on July 16, 2023. Fans must buy the streaming platforms' paid services in order to watch the latest episodes. The streaming platforms will offer these episodes only in select regions. That being said, Muse Asia's YouTube channel will also simulcast the episodes in Southeast Asia.
The release times for various regions are mentioned below:
- Pacific Standard Time: Sunday, July 16, 1 am
- Central Standard Time: Sunday, July 16, 3 am
- Eastern Standard Time: Sunday, July 16, 4 am
- British Summer Time: Sunday, July 16, 9 am
- Indian Standard Time: Sunday, July 16, 1:30 pm
- Central European Standard Time: Sunday, July 16, 10 am
- Australian Central Daylight Time: Sunday, July 16, 5:30 pm
- Philippines time: Sunday, July 16, 4 pm
- Brazil Time: Sunday, July 16, 5 am
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead main cast, staff, and plot
Main cast
- Akira Tendou voiced by Shuichiro Umeda
- Shizuka Mikazuki voiced by Tomori Kusunoki
- Kenichiro Ryuzaki voiced by Makoto Furukawa
- Beatrix Amerhauser voiced by Minami Takahashi
- Housewife zombie voiced by Akari Kikunaga
- Boss voiced by Chafurin
- Gonzo Kosugi voiced by Kenta Miyake
- Director - Kazuki Kawagoe
- Series Composition - Hiroshi Seko
- Script - Hiroshi Seko (episode 1)
- Storyboard - Kazuki Kawagoe (episode 1)
- Episode Director - Kazuki Kawagoe (episode 1)
- Music - Makoto Miyazaki
- Original creators - Haro Aso and Kotaro Takata
- Character Design - Kii Tanaka
- Art Director - Taketo Gonpei
- Sound Director - Kazuki Kawagoe
- Director of Photography - Naho Hasegawa
- Theme Song Performance - KANA-BOON (OP) and Shiyui (ED)
Zom 100: Bucket List of the Dead plot
The title focuses on a young man named Akira Tendou. He is a 24-year-old who lives in a small apartment in Japan and is exploited at work. He lives a monotonous life and is also unable to confess his feelings to his co-worker, Ootori.
However, one day, his life takes a serious turn when the city is flooded with zombies. He must then attempt to escape from the swarm and save his life. While he runs for his life, he also realizes that this is the first time in the last few years that he has felt alive.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.