The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) provides a framework for understanding common personality characteristics. According to this introspection, our personalities are factored into the anime we love watching. This list portrays which anime character your MBTI sweetheart will be. Do let us know who you’ve got as your soulmate.
Disclaimer: The article was updated by Shubham Maity on June 10, 2023, at 6:09 am EST to reflect the power ranking changes that came into effect as the story progressed further.
A list of MBTI types and their natural partners
People who are ISTPs or ESTJs tend to be practical and rational in their approach to problem-solving. In contrast, ISTPs like to spend time alone and pursue last-minute chances, whereas ESTJs prefer to be in a group and stick to a plan. They, however, make up for a great couple. Some examples of ESTJ MBTI types are Temari and Jean, and that of ISTP MBTI would be Zoro and Kyoka.
In relationships, ESTPs are known for treating ISTJs with respect and dependability while dealing with them since they can keep their promises and accomplish their objectives. Spending time with ISTJs and having meaningful conversations with them builds ESTPs' trust and strengthens their bonds with ISTJs. Some great examples of ISTJ MBTI types are Violet and Giyu
As long as ESFJs provide appreciation and encouragement to ISFPs, they are much more likely to be trusted by the latter. The MBTI pair has a very strong and stable spiritual presence in their relationship. Some examples of the ISFP MBTI Type would be Blue and Eren.
In certain respects, this duo may work well together. More calm, adventurous, and in tune with their well-being, ISFJs may learn from ESFPs. ESFPs can learn a lot about how to be more thoughtful, courteous, and deliberate from the ISFJs. A classic example of the ISFJ MBTI type would be Nezuko Kamado.
Because of their complementary personalities, ENFJs and INFPs often form partnerships that are satisfying in the long haul. The NFs are equally committed to fostering lasting relationships that benefit both sides. A famous INFP in the world of anime is Gaara.
Communication between an INFJ and an ENTP relationship is essential to prevent damaged emotions and resentment. Both ENTPs and INFJs have a strong sense of creativity. They are able to come up with novel ways of looking at the world and are great at solving challenges. They complement each other well in this respect. A great example of the ENTP MBTI type would be Hisoka.
This is such a terrific fit because of the amazing coupling and balancing of the cognitive functions of each of these types. There are times when ENFPs and INTJs may benefit from each other's emotional intelligence. An exemplary INTJ would be Levi.
Both of these MBTI types place a high value on logic and reason. Both have a strong belief that the ultimate ideal is to find the truth and to see justice served. Both of these types are likely to have an interest in science or mathematics and may prefer to explain things in terms of facts and evidence. A great example of the ENTJ MBTI type would be Bakugo.
Your anime sweetheart, based on your MBTI personality type
1) For an ISTP, their natural partner would be an ESTJ like Temari or Jean Kirstein

Temari is someone who likes to observe and think things through. She was a timid, unselfish person who put forth a lot of effort to make friends. When it comes to being kind to others, she stands out. It is common to describe ESTJs as committed, strong-willed, and dependable. They also relish instilling orders.
Jean's decision-making process is rational and pragmatic, and he is very efficient in the field. The most distinguishing characteristic of Jean's personality is his frankness. When voicing his thoughts, he has no qualms about it, even if it's not in the best interest of himself or others to do so.
2) For an ESTP, their natural partner would be an ISTJ like Violet Evergarden or Giyu Tomioka

Almost all of Violet Evergarden's assignments are completed on schedule because of her excellent order-following skills. Because of her military family background, we can see that she is graceful and skilled in warfare.
Additionally, she is presented as a superb typist who can compose flawless letters and papers with exceptional linguistic precision in the significant setting of the novel.
Giyu is a typical ISTJ personality type. His demeanor is restrained and solemn. A world set in black and white is Giyu's belief system. His behavior demonstrates that adherence to the rules is of the utmost importance.
Giyu is a down-to-earth person. In terms of accountability, he is an excellent role model. His friends are of great importance to him, no matter how frightening he may look, he protects them wholeheartedly.
3) For an ISFP, their natural partner would be an ESFJ like Sakura or Kurogiri

Because of their intense sense of morality, ESFJs like Sakura are driven to succeed in their objectives. People who work hard and diligently to achieve a goal will also take satisfaction in their accomplishment and will not be inclined to deceive any.
Kurogiri has an ESFJ personality type. To sum it up, being extroverted means being able to pick on and feel the needs and feelings of others. Kurogiri hopes to broaden Tomura's League of Villains.
4) For an ESFP, their natural partner would be an ISFJ like Nezuko Kamado or Yasutora Chad Sado

Since Nezuko is renowned for her warmth and care for others, many people concur that she possesses the traits of an ISFJ. She may be quiet, but she has a strong will, as seen by the numerous conflicts she experienced with the most powerful demons.
It is because of the love for her loved ones that she can persevere. Her half-demon self isn't persuaded by the smell of human blood and has excellent command over her appetite, enabling her to live peacefully amongst humans.
ISFJs are gentle and sympathetic people who are continuously thinking about the wellbeing of his friends, like Chad from the anime Bleach. They typically receive preferential treatment over others because they prioritise the lives of people they love.
5) For an INFP, their natural partner would be an ENFJ like Space Dandy or Emma

Aloha Oe's captain and alien hunter, Space Dandy, is the unconventional hero of the series. He has an unusual obsession that drives him to explore intergalactic eateries and fulfill his hunger. The intriguing thing about him is that he often contradicts himself.
Regardless of how he acts and behaves, the fact that he cares so much about people makes him an ENFJ anime character.
Emma falls under the protagonist category when it comes to personality. For the sake of her family and their protection, she is prepared to give up everything.
Owing to her trusting and protective attitude, she may be quickly taken by surprise, which can be seen as a strength and a flaw at the same time. She is courteous, fair, and compassionate.
6) For an ENTP, their natural partner is an INFJ like Izuku or Emilia

Izuku MIdoryia has a clear vision of what he wants to become, and he's determined to achieve it, much like his hero, All Might. He's a master strategist in figuring out how to make the most of every given scenario.
Emilia from RE: Zero is one of the protagonists of the series. She is a half-elf and a candidate to become the 42nd King of Lugunica. She has a brilliant mind and a sweet nature. However, she succumbs to her emotions and loses her identity as a result.
7) For an INTJ, their natural partner would be an ENFP like Ruby Hoshino or Luffy

Ruby Hoshino from the anime series Oshi no Ko is fiercely independent and the epitome of ENFP's individualistic tendencies. Her unique combination of inventiveness, sincerity, and kindness sets her apart from others.
The persona of Monkey D. Luffy has many of the qualities of an ENFP MBTI. These individuals have a reputation for being among the most exuberant and daring individuals you'll ever meet. Luffy, of course, is well suited to this construct because of his desire for adventure and freedom.
8) For an ENFJ, their natural partner would be an INFP like Gaara or Mitsuha Miyamizu

Even while INFPs are unlikely to identify with Gaara at his worst, they may identify with his idealism, compassion, and curiosity at their finest. As a result of his childhood trauma, they'll perceive him as a likable adversary.
Your Name's Mitsuha Miyamizu is an INFP MBTI and is quiet and withdrawn. During her first encounter with Taki, she discovered that she could open up to him. As an INFP, she is intuitive, and imaginative and often finds it difficult to share her feelings.
9) For an ISFJ, their natural partner would be an ESFP like Naruto or Himiko Toga

Rather than backing down from a fight, Naruto loves to charge with full force. His teammates frequently berate him for his carelessness and inability to consider things before acting. As a substitute for learning new tricks and techniques, he improves on those he already possesses. ESFPs are considered spontaneous, they think on their feet, much like Naruto.
Himiko Toga from the anime series My Hero Academia will do everything she can when it comes to her enjoyment. In her search for approval and a good time, Himiko felt smothered by society's arbitrary and rigid standards. In her last year of junior high school, she felt compelled to declare her want for love and gore publicly, and as a result, she was cut off from friends and family.
10) For an ESFJ, their natural partner would be an ISFP like Eren or Lucy

ISFPs love whatever they do, and they're usually on the edge of things. Others may have difficulty working with ISFPs because they tend to be competitive and unyielding. Eren Yeager is often referred to as a paradox because of this. He has a cold, analytical mind, yet a strong sense of purpose drives him.
The persona of Lucy from the anime Elfen Lied is peaceful and quiet. She is highly protective of those she cares about and will do anything to stop anyone from hurting them. Lucy is liberated and self-sufficient. Every aspect of this character is indicative of an ISFP MBTI.
11) For an INFJ, their natural partner would be an ENTP like Hisoka or Hange

It's no secret that Hisoka Morow, an ENTP MBTI, is fascinated by all things technological. Using his ENTP talents and expertise, Hisoka has created robots and other technologies that he can use. A lifelong gamer, Hisoka knows all there is to know about the ins and outs of the history of video games.
Attack on Titan's Hange devotes her entire time and attention to freeing humans from the titans. Like other ENTPs, she is driven by the need for freedom and the ability to grasp how the Titans operate.
12) For an ENTJ, their natural partner would be an INTP like L or Tsuyu Asui

L's capacity to think critically and logically is one of the most distinctive aspects of his personality. He can link two unconnected occurrences in a way that would otherwise be impossible. He is driven by a desire to learn more about the world around him.
Asui from My Hero Academia, who is clever and charming, keeps her normal state in the face of mayhem. She is mainly concerned with coming up with the most logical answer to each issue. This speaks to her INTP mentality all by itself.
13) For an INTP, their natural partner would be an ENTJ like Bakugo or Satsuki Kiryuin

Bakugo trains hard to become physically and psychologically robust, relying on nobody except himself. It's hardly surprising that others see him as an epitome of self-confidence. When he was younger, Bakugo's confidence caught the attention of others.
Satsuki Kiryuin from the anime Kill La Kill has firmly established herself as a commander at the Honnouji Academy. A classic ENTJ MBTI, she is cold and detached from others' feelings. She is extremely goal-oriented.
14) For an ENFP, their natural partner would be an INTJ like Levi or Merlin

Levi is an INTJ, a personality that lends itself well to logical and autonomous thinking. He has been accused of being excessively critical or mechanical, which is a frequent stereotype among INTJs as well. He likes to stay to himself emotionally. Levi is a sharp thinker with a keen eye for detail.
Merlin loves an abundance of information and has a passion for it. She dislikes the fact that she can't know everything at once. Merlin often works behind the scenes, concocting schemes to further her ends. Her keen intellect and intuitive senses are risk-taking and something that is more like a natural tendency.
15) For an ISTJ, their natural partner would be an ESTP like Meliodas or Tsunade

Meliodas has a carefree attitude and seems unconcerned with the rigours of daily living because of his immortality. He's not a planner; instead, he takes a more spontaneous approach to life. Aaprt from this Meliodias is great at socialising and is always ready for action.
On several occasions throughout her tenure as Hokage, Tsunade has been seen dodging her responsibilities in favor of other pursuits, like going out for a drink or visiting the hot springs. She also isn't afraid to disobey the rules. Instead of going to work, she often does things she shouldn't and bends or breaks the regulations as she pleases.
16) For an ESTJ, their natural partner would be an ISTP like Zoro or Kyoka Jiro

Zoro is an introverted thinker. His attitude towards the world is a lot more hands-on. If there's an argument, he likes to get into a battle rather than avoid it. Luffy's daring pranks amuse Zoro, and he goes with the flow.
Among the MHA cast, Jiro stands out as a pragmatist and a sensible hero who always chooses the most logical course of action. He has an individualistic mindset, which is reflective of the ISTP MBTI personality trait.
In summation
Personal connection, similar taste, and emotional connection are important factors in dating and relationships. Although the character features and attributes of numerous anime characters served as the basis for these pairings, it's vital to keep in mind that compatibility and connection in real-life relationships go beyond MBTI types.
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