One of the many strengths of Yuki Tabata’s Black Clover series is how exceptionally well-written the majority of the cast is. While some are better off than others in this regard, Tabata at least makes each character distinctly different in personality, design, and demeanor. As a result, many of Black Clover’s characters can be linked to different archetypes or personality-defining traits.
Many of the series’ characters even match up to the 12 signs of the zodiac very well, matching the core tenets of their respective signs.
Here’s which Black Clover character you are, based on your zodiac.
Black Clover's wide cast matches startingly well to zodiac signs
1) Aries - Asta

Aries is bold and ambitious, with a desire to be number one and a willingness to dive into even the most unfamiliar and challenging of situations. This fits Asta to a tee, with the young Black Bull always diving headlong into danger out of a desire to become stronger and achieve his goal of becoming the Wizard King.
2) Taurus - Charlotte Roselei

Taurans are described as loving to indulge themselves in life's luxuries, and the Blue Roses's captain definitively embodies this. Charlotte Roselei is a noblewoman within the Clover Kingdom society, meaning she’s grown up indulging in the luxuries of life, which Taurans are so known to partake in.
Furthermore, her scenes of relaxation in the series perfectly embody what Taurans are known to love, showcasing her in relaxing, serene environments to unwind.
3) Gemini - Noelle Silva

While many Black Clover characters could qualify for the Gemini position, Noelle Silva’s dichotomous dealings with Asta make her perfect for the sign. Beyond the dual-sided nature of her personality, Noelle was influenced by many people while growing up and progressing as a knight, symbolizing Gemini’s impressionable nature.
4) Cancer - Finral Roulacase

Cancers exist in both the emotional and material realms, highly intuitive and emotionally protective. This aligns with Finral’s character perfectly, with him constantly bouncing between chasing after women and being one of the most important members of the Black Bulls.
Additionally, Cancers are said to be family-oriented, prioritizing their familial relationships above all else. Despite the unfortunate status of his relationship with his family, he does still deeply care for his younger brother, shown several times throughout the series.
5) Leo - Fuegoleon

Leo’s main attributes are passionate, loyal, dramatic, and always willingness to lead. While Fuegoleon’s having “Leo” in his name and using Fire Magic alone make him a good fit, he also matches the sign’s core attributes.
His passion doesn’t waiver upon coming out of his coma and realizing his arm isn’t gone, and he remains loyal to his squad by returning to his captain’s post upon awakening. Few in the series are a better match with Leo than he.
6) Virgo - Yuno

Virgos are perfectionists at heart, always looking to improve their skills through diligent training and practice. This fits Yuno to a tee, who is always training to get stronger so he can become the Wizard King instead of Asta.
Additional Virgo traits are said to be logical, practical, and systematic, all of which fit the rigid, studious Yuno perfectly. There’s no other character in the series who’s a better match for the Virgo sign.
7) Libra - Damnatio Kira

Libra is represented by the scales, symbolizing their pursuit of balance, harmony, and justice, all of which match Damnatio Kira’s role in the story. Libra's attempt to create symmetry and balance is borderline obsessive, which is exactly the word many fans use to describe Damnatio’s desire to sentence Asta for treason.
8) Scorpio - Rill Boismortier

Scorpios are often said to be one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac, being a sign which uses emotional energy as fuel. These two key traits match Rill Boismortier perfectly, who is often considered enigmatic by even his closest comrades.
Furthermore, his Painting Magic uses his own emotional energy as a fuel source for the creations it makes, as seen in his brief backstory. The two are a match made in heaven, almost seeming too good for one another to be true.
9) Sagittarius - Julius Novachrono

One of Sagittarius’ main traits is their quest for knowledge, always chasing after adventure and looking to broaden their knowledge of the world. This fits the Wizard King to a tee, with fans constantly seeing him abandoning his duties to find and fawn over new, yet-to-be-seen magic attributes and the people who wield them.
10) Capricorn - Magna Swing

Categorized as ambitious, goal-oriented, practical, and always willing to put in the work, the Capricorn sign is a perfect match for Magna Swing. The Spade Kingdom Raid arc sees him begin to feel more and more irrelevant as Asta and others become more powerful.
This prompts him to train even harder than before, eventually allowing him to come up with a spell that lets him take anyone on. While this lone event is really the only time he displays the attributes of a Capricorn, it’s clearly a perfect match that none can argue against.
11) Aquarius - Mimosa Vermillion

Aquarius is represented by the symbol of the water bearer, a mystical healer who bestows life upon the land with her water. The Aquarius sign, accordingly, is said the be shamelessly revolutionary and the most humanitarian sign, fitting Mimosa Vermillion perfectly.
She’s seen throughout the series as being primarily a support mage who can heal her teammates while providing high-damage single-fire support. Her healing skills are impressive enough to be likened to the water bearer themselves, making Mimosa a perfect match for the Aquarius sign.
12) Pisces - Sister Lily

Finally, Pisces is said to be the most intuitive, empathetic, and sensitive sign of the entire zodiac group. Despite not being terribly present in the series at large, Sister Lily’s brief and infrequent cameos have displayed these traits as being the highlights of her character.
Having spent her life raising children at an orphanage, it’s no surprise that all of these emotional skills and attunements come naturally to her. Few are a better match for the Pisces sign than her.