Author and illustrator Tatsuki Fujimoto's manga series Chainsaw Man has become the new-gen lineup's biggest hit despite having less than 100 issues. Many expect this popularity to only be buoyed after the premiere of the Chainsaw Man anime later this year.
Some popular characters in Chainsaw Man are perfect matches for the 12 zodiac signs. While some are certainly greater matches than others, each sign can nevertheless be likened to a specific and unique character in at least one way.
Here is which Chainsaw Man character you are, based on your zodiac sign.
Denji, Aki, and more Chainsaw Man fan-favorites easily likened to one of the zodiac signs
1) Aries - Power

Some of the most common Aries traits are ambition, boldness, and striving to be the best in whatever they do. This fits Power to a tee, as she sees value in triumph even when a win offers no reward other than the victory itself. She also openly admits to being willing to join the winning side, regardless of whomever they may be, matching Aries’ boldness.
Someone born under the Aries moon is known to be quick to anger, which Power also displays throughout the series, albeit in specific and sparse moments.
2) Taurus - Denji

People born under Taurus are known for their love of luxury, as they constantly surround themselves with the finer things in life. Denji matches the Taurus zodiac in this regard, with his main goal being to elevate his overall quality of life.
His overall personality matches Taurus as well, being somewhat happy-go-lucky and always focusing on the goals and desires he has for himself.
3) Gemini - Angel Devil
Who better to fit the role of Gemini than Angel Devil, whose very existence as a twin matches Gemini in essence. Despite considering himself to be a Devil first and an Angel second, he shows no inherent hostility towards humans, as other Devils do.
While he believes humans ought to die in pain, this belief is shown to be malleable as he comforts some humans in their final moments. Despite having a much different personality than most Geminis are known for, the Angel Devil’s very existence makes him a perfect match with the oft-ridiculed sign.
4) Cancer - Makima
Cancer signs are said to be known to exist in dichotomous realms, such as being material and emotional, or being incredibly emotionally intuitive and closed off at the same time. This fits Makima to a tee, whose double-crossing nature is a perfect match for the Cancer sign’s ability to weave between multiple realms of existence easily.
Makima has also been shown to be extremely emotionally protective of herself, keeping everyone at arm’s length despite wanting nothing more than a family. Her manipulation of Denji also shows the emotional intuition Cancer is known for, solidifying her likeness to this water sign.
5) Leo - Beam
Beam’s overall character is most like that of a Leo amongst the Chainsaw Man cast, with some of the sign’s main traits being described as passionate, loyal, and infamously dramatic. While Beam’s behavior is better labeled as eccentric, this side of him often comes out in dramatic ways which unintentionally steal the spotlight.
Combined with his passion for his friendship with and loyalty to Denji, this makes him a perfect match for the infamously over-the-top fire sign.
6) Virgo - Aki Hayakawa

Virgos are best known for being logical, practical, and systematic in their approach to life, fitting Aki Hayakawa perfectly. He is one of the most mature and dependable characters in the series, also showing a pragmatic and logical approach to life when at home with Denji and Power.
Virgos are also known to be willing to improve themselves and their skills through consistent and diligent efforts, which match Aki’s major goal in life and his attitude towards it perfectly.
7) Libra - Kishibe

Balance, harmony, and justice are said to define the Libra sign, bringing the elder and wiser Kishibe to mind. He acts as a mentor to the younger members of Tokyo Special Division 4 throughout the series, always speaking plainly and justly as well as maintaining harmonious composure no matter the situation.
While Libras are known to fixate on creating an equilibrium, this isn’t exactly a perfect fit to Kishibe. However, it can still be likened to him via his goals of defeating Makima. Generally speaking, however, he is a perfect fit for this sign.
8) Scorpio - Hirofumi Yoshida
Scorpios are known for being elusive, mysterious, and misunderstood, fitting Hirofumi Yoshida perfectly. His role in the first part is minor, but he always had an air of mystery and enigmatism around his origins, goals, behavior, and actions. With his recent debut in Chainsaw Man’s second part, these aspects of him have only been magnified.
As of this writing, not much more is known about Yoshida, which only further lends credence to him being a Scorpio sign. The two are perfectly matched in essence, even if the basis of their pairing is found in a lack of knowledge regarding the two.
9) Sagittarius - Kobeni Higashiyama
Sagittariuses are known for always pursuing something new, even if it is frightening and strange. This fits Kobeni Higashiyama to a tee, who, despite often being seen scared out of her wits in Chainsaw Man, is always willing to pursue new lines of work and discover new things about herself in the process.
While she does not always show this side of her personality, it is heavily implied that it is a trait that she has not even discovered yet. This is primarily shown through her tenacity during her time as a Devil Hunter, as well as her fearlessness when dealing with Chainsaw Man in the fast-food restaurant she works in towards the end of the series.
10) Capricorn - Reze
Capricorns are often called the ultimate worker bees, with attributes like ambition, organization, practicality, and goal-oriention. This fits Reze like a glove, with the Bomb Devil choosing to follow through with her mission to kill Chainsaw Man despite falling for Denji.
A teenage girl, even if she is a devil, forgoing her emotions for someone else to achieve her ultimate mission may just be the quintessential definition and example of goal-oriented.
11) Aquarius - Himeno
Aquarians are often called innovative, self-reliant, and shamelessly revolutionary, perfectly matching the fantastic leader Himeno. She is shown to be a mature and experienced superior during her time in Tokyo Special Division 4, often being a key player in the group’s fights with the Devils.
She is also shown to be incredibly innovative and revolutionary, often coming up with clever tactics and plans to get her group out of any situation, no matter how dire it may seem.
12) Pisces - Pochita
Pisces’ are known for being the most intuitive, sensitive, and empathetic out of all the zodiac signs. This fits Pochita perfectly, who is shown to deeply care for Denji and even other Devils and humans, despite often showing this the wrong way to the latter groups.
Nevertheless, it is clearly established that Pochita truly wants to love and be loved by others, even if his incredible strength unintentionally gets in the way of his goals. There is little doubt that Pochita matches the Pisces sign more so than any other Chainsaw Man character.