Zodiac Signs are associated with Astrology, and there are many Komi Can't Communicate fans who believe in it. If not, they can still participate in learning more about their Zodiac Sign just for fun. For some people, a Zodiac Sign is everything.
Note: There will be two dates (Tropical and Sidereal). Some people prefer one over the other; both dates will be provided for the reader's convenience. Keep in mind that these dates don't always overlap, so not every Komi Can't Communicate character will be listed based on their real-life Zodiac Sign.
12 Komi Can't Communicate characters who personify some Zodiac Signs
Aries - Yadano Makeru

Tropical dates: March 21 to April 19
Sidereal dates: April 15 to May 15
Those with the Aries Zodiac sign are known to be competitive, and Yadano is always trying to compete with Komi. She's headstrong and can get angry when she loses. Unfortunately for her, she often fails against Komi. At least she never gives up.
Aries people are sometimes overbearing; another word one could use to describe Yadano. She's not happy being the second-best at anything, but she's also honest in that she never attempts to cheat in any competition to become better than her rival.
Taurus - Osana Najimi

Tropical dates: April 20 to May 20
Sidereal dates: May 16 to June 15
One of the main traits of this Zodiac Sign is that a Taurus has many friends. As far as Komi Can't Communicate characters go, there is no better candidate than Najimi. They are friends with practically everybody in the series (something Komi can only dream of), but that's not the unique Taurus trait.
A Taurus is sometimes described as sensual, and Najimi's occasional pervertedness and popularity with boys can sometimes reflect that. Najimi is loyal to all their friends, even if it comes across as intense sometimes.
Gemini - Chocolate

Tropical dates: May 21 to June 21
Sidereal dates: June 16 to July 15
The Gemini Zodiac Sign is one of duality. Those with this Zodiac Sign might seem to be one thing but entirely something else. Chocolate is a tsundere cat whom other characters assume isn't friendly and hates humans.
However, she befriends Komi (and becomes her first animal friend in Komi Can't Communicate). She's the only cat that approached her in that entire episode. Aside from that, Geminis are sometimes associated with lies, which is the bulk of Chocolate's demeanor regarding her feelings toward Komi.
Cancer - Agari Himiko

Tropical dates: June 22 to July 22
Sidereal dates: July 16 to August 15
Komi Can't Communicate characters are often one-note regarding their personalities. In Agari's case, she's okay with being devoted as Komi's dog and is popular due to her well-endowed body. Both devotion and romance are associated with the Cancer Zodiac Sign.
Many gags in Komi Can't Communicate focus on her latter trait. Still, Agari's lack of confidence can make her seem aloof, another trait of the Cancer Zodiac Sign.
Leo - Netsuno Chika

Tropical dates: July 23 to August 22
Sidereal dates: August 16 to September 15
Part of Netsuno's gimmick in Komi Can't Communicate is fire. She often talks about heat, which is often seen as Leo's main element. Past that, the Leo Zodiac Sign is associated with natural leaders, something fitting for one of the "Four Heavenly Kings of Itan High School."
Leos are also bold, sometimes related to their competitive drive. Netsuno is one of the most competitive characters in Komi Can't Communicate, with only Yadano arguably being the only character who is more competitive.
Virgo - Onemine Nene

Tropical dates: August 23 to September 22
Sidereal dates: September 16 to October 15
The Virgo Zodiac Sign represents a reliable person who is well-organized and good at communication. Komi Can't Communicate's Onemine Nene is as reliable as possible, especially when she's trying to help the disorganized Otori. She's a good friend, which makes sense as Virgos are often loyal.
Her excellent communication skills help her determine that Komi has a crush on Tadano; thus, she chooses not to interfere in that ship. It's a noble effort, making her a reliable friend of the titular protagonist.
Libra - Tadano Hitohito

Tropical dates: September 23 to October 23
Sidereal dates: October 16 to November 16
Tadano is one of the main characters of Komi Can't Communicate, and he represents some important Libra traits. This Zodiac Sign is often associated with clever people in social situations, which fits in with Tadano's one unique gift (being able to read the room).
Some Libras also want to have a more active social life, which parallels Tadano's early days when he was largely friendless. They're also good mediators, a trait that one could see Tadano as sometimes, given that he occasionally helps Komi in various social situations.
Scorpio - Ren Yamai

Tropical dates: October 24 to November 21
Sidereal dates: November 17 to December 15
Yamai might be one of the most hated characters in Komi Can't Communicate, but she's a good personification of the Scorpio Zodiac Sign. This Zodiac Sign is associated with the macabre, fitting for her yandere tendencies. She thankfully never kills anybody, but that hasn't stopped her questionable brandishing of a knife now and then.
Aside from that, some Scorpios can get overly attached to somebody. Predictably, Yamai is way too into Komi for her good. This leads to Yamai being envious of Tadano's relationship with her, which isn't surprising given her unhealthy obsessions.
On the bright side, Yamai has a good circle of friends, as this Zodiac Sign is sometimes associated with having a lot of friends.
Sagittarius - Omohara Nakanaka

Tropical dates: November 22 to December 21
Sidereal dates: December 16 to January 14
Some people have an overly wild imagination, a trait that is sometimes associated with a Sagittarius. In this case, Nakanaka is unquestionably the most imaginative character in Komi Can't Communicate. She imagines that she and Komi were completely different people in the past, which makes sense since she's a parody of the Chūnibyō trope.
Their vivid imagination also leads them to enjoy games often. Unsurprisingly, Nakanaka is seen enjoying many video games throughout Komi Can't Communicate. This Zodiac Sign is also associated with unpredictability.
Capricorn - Katai Makoto

Tropical dates: December 22 to January 19
Sidereal dates: January 15 to February 14
A Capricorn is often severe by itself. Komi Can't Communicate's Katai Makoto fits a similar bill, although he doesn't necessarily want to be by himself. In his case, his delinquent appearance scares away most people. Nonetheless, some Capricorns are known for their kindness, which is a trait that Katai Makoto does genuinely have.
Capricorns are also loyal to their few friends (Komi and Tadano in this case). They can also stress themselves out easily trying to do something, which is yet another quality Katai has (when trying to present himself to others).
Aquarius - Komi Shuuko

Tropical dates: January 20 to February 18
Sidereal dates: February 15 to March 14
Not to be confused with the main character in the series, Shuuko is Shouko's mother. She's the chatterbox of the family, although there was a time when she was cold back in her teenage years. Some Aquariuses are described as cruel, although they can also be described as protective.
Given that she's the mother of the titular protagonist in Komi Can't Communicate, it should go without saying that she thinks about her daughter a lot. She's often hopeful that her daughter will talk to more people and is happy to see that she has friends.
Aquariuses are also confident; something Shuuko has over the rest of her family.
Pisces - Komi Shouko

Tropical dates: February 19 to March 20
Sidereal dates: March 15 to April 14
Last but certainly not least is the Pisces Zodiac Sign. It represents many things, such as mystery, adventure, and, most notably, anxiety. Komi's silence in Komi Can't Communicate often leads other people to project their wishes onto her, as they often don't know her true self.