Naruto fans from all across the globe have imagined their life inside the Shinobi World more than once. The idea of training to become an extraordinary ninja like their favorite characters is extremely appealing, even more so if it includes the possibility of being trained by one of them.
Still, not everyone is the same, and the teaching methods used by some characters in the series would not be as effective with certain individuals. However, the internet abounds in match-ups between the fans and their beloved characters in quirky ways. The most popular ones are based on favorite colors, foods, astrology, MBTI, and many more. On that note, today's list will match a character from Naruto to act as their sensei for a specific MBTI type, according to how they teach and how their students would learn the best.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author’s opinion. Sportskeeda does not claim ownership of any media used in the article unless otherwise specified.
The best Naruto sensei for each one of the MBTI types
ESTJ (The Executives) – Jiraiya

ESTJs are people who like to focus on the sensible side of the things that they learn. If they are interested in a subject, they will look for several practical solutions to a problem as much as possible. As such, they would need a teacher that would match their enthusiasm for hands-on learning.
Jiraiya has been shown to leave the theory behind when acting like a sensei. For the Sanin, experience is the best teacher a person can have, an ideology that would work perfectly for an ESTJ. With a teacher as dynamic and versatile as Jiraiya, the Executives will never be bored by learning again.
ISTJ (The Logisticians) – Sasuke Uchiha

ISTJ are people who are mostly interested in learning about subjects that will prove beneficial to them in the future. They like being as prepared as possible for any situation they might find themselves in, so a sensei with a plethora of experience is a must.
The person who would understand their need for betterment the most would be Sasuke Uchiha. The Shadow Hokage spent years looking for Jutsus and abilities that would aid him in achieving his goals. He would see himself reflected on his ISTJ students, making it his mission to become the best sensei for them.
ENTJ (The Commanders) – Shikamaru Nara

For ENTJs, knowing every detail of the problem they are trying to solve is vital for their success. They do not like to work without having a clear strategy in mind, so they often take their time before tackling any issue.
Shikamaru may be lazy, but he knows better than anyone how important it is to fully understand a task before jumping into action. His teaching methods as a sensei would work perfectly for the attention detail Commanders he would have under his care.
INTJ (The Architects) – Orochimaru
Knowing how to solve a problem is not as important for INTJs as learning why it happened. They are people who like to understand a subject as much as possible. If they could, they would dedicate their lives to discovering all the secrets of their universe, as they believe knowledge to be the best weapon.
Even if his methods are often too extreme, Orochimaru is definitely the best teacher for an INTJ. The snake Sannin spent most of his life trying to understand every Jutsu, Kinjutsu, and Dojutsu in Naruto’s universe. His students would feel right at home when discussing their findings with their new sensei, as he would show genuine interest in the topic they enjoy.
ESTP (The Entrepreneurs) – Minato Namikaze

The best way to motivate an ESTP is by telling them that learning something will make them more efficient in the future. Entrepreneurs are constantly looking for ways to improve themselves and their abilities. They like being efficient in anything they do, so they would equally need a sensei with the same desire for personal improvement.
The Fourth Hokage, Minato, was a man with a never-ending mission of improving himself and the conditions of his village. Minato worked hard to improve the jutsus created by other people in order to become more effective in combat. Together with his ESTP student, Minato would modify and develop even more jutsus that would change the Shinobi World for good.
ISTP (The Virtuosos) – Hiruzen Sarutobi

Curious by nature, ISTPs are known for their deep interest in how the world works. They love to practice the theory they learn and apply it to a better understanding of their surroundings. The more they can learn, the better the Virtuosos feel, which in turn motivates them to learn even more.
Often referred to as the teacher for the massive amount of jutsus he knew, Hiruzen would be the perfect sensei for the ISTPs. His drive to learn and teach would only be increased by that of his students. This would help them both become even more proactive in their studies, turning them into an unstoppable duo.
ENTP (The Debater) – Naruto Uzumaki

ENTPs are known for their ingenious mindset and outstanding improvisation skills. Whenever they are faced with a problem, ENTPs will try to look for all the possible solutions before acting. No matter what happens, they always plan to get out of a difficult spot, which they are able to do because of their unrivaled creativity.
Their perfect sensei would be none other than the number one unpredictable ninja in Konoha, Naruto Uzumaki. Whenever faced with a problem, Naruto always relied on his instincts and unpredictable behavior to come up with a solution. Suffice to say, his students would be overjoyed to learn such tactics from him.
INTP (The Logicians) – Asuma Sarutobi

People whose results place them into the INTP type are extremely pragmatic and love having more than one solution to any problem. They love analyzing a situation until they are certain that nothing escapes their grasp. Solving problems is like a game for them, one that they want to excel at.
Asuma has more than enough experience teaching students like the Logicians. He would know exactly what to do to trigger them into giving their best at any given task, and to stimulate their minds. He would also indulge in any kind of game or puzzle the INTPs would like to play to pass time, as he used to do when he was Shikamaru’s sensei.
ESFJ (The Consuls) – Kiba Inuzuka
Teamwork is the most important thing for an ESFJ when being taught something. They are extremely social individuals who hate having to work alone. Since they thrive from being surrounded by people, having a sensei who knows how to work in perfect sync with someone else would be ideal for them.
That is why Kiba Inuzuka, who has always worked in perfect harmony with Akamaru, would be the best sensei for the Consuls. Kiba would be ecstatic to have pupils that enjoy working with others as much as he does. He would teach his students how to excel at teamwork in the most efficient way possible.
ISFJ (The Defenders) – Kurenai Yuhi
ISFJ are some of the most diligent and disciplined people in existence. For them, learning is all about how to become better at what they do, be it as a student or as a worker. If a subject can help them improve their work, they will try to learn it no matter what. Therefore, they would need a sensei as responsible and driven as them to match their determination to improve.
As one of the strictest and most intelligent jonins in Konoha, Kurenai would be the perfect teacher for the Defenders. Kurenai’s methods may be far too strict for any other MBTI type, but they are perfect for an ISFJ individual.
ENFJ (The Protagonists) – Nagato Uzumaki

Members of the ENFJ group have only one goal in mind at any given time - helping everyone they can. They are highly motivated to make the world a better place, so they are always willing to learn more about subjects that will allow them to help people in need.
Although his methods were extreme and cruel, Nagato believed in creating a better world. If not for Obito’s manipulation, Nagato would have been an excellent and caring ninja who would always help his peers. The ENFJs could learn a lot from Nagato and maybe teach him a thing or two about compassion over pain as well.
INFJ (The Advocates) – Tsunade Senju

Advocates’ main reason to keep learning and improving is to be useful to society. For them, being a valuable asset to the community is extremely important, so they are always on the lookout for ways to be of service.
With Tsunade as their sensei, the INFJs would not only learn to use medic Ninjutsu but also understand how to be of service to an entire village. The slug princess was considered the best medic ninja for a long time, as well as one of the best Hokages Konoha ever had. She is more than capable of preparing the Advocates to use all their gifts to aid and support their community in the best way possible.
ESFP (The Entertainers) – Konohamaru Sarutobi
As their name indicates, ESFPs love entertainment and fun above all else. If a subject is not fun for them to learn about, they will drop it almost immediately to look for something more fitting. They need to be constantly stimulated and given engaging tasks to keep themselves from becoming bored to death.
The only person who would understand their need for fun better than anyone else would be Konohamaru. Even as a child, Konohamaru was looking for fun ways to become stronger since he believed Ebisu’s ways were too boring. Naturally, he would come up with the most creative and entertaining ways for his ESFP students to learn any subject.
ISFP (The Adventurers) – Sai

If it is not related to art or beauty in some way, ISFPs will most likely not be interested in it. People who belong to this group are extremely creative and open-minded. To keep themselves motivated about learning a new topic, their sensei would have to keep showing them the beautiful things they can achieve with that knowledge.
Sai, whose main tools as a ninja are his creativity and drawing skills, would be an outstanding sensei for the ISFPs. He would be able to show them the hidden beauty of life with each new lesson, motivating them to keep learning and improving themselves and their art.
ENFP (The Campaigners) – Kakashi Hatake

Campaigners are driven by their need to make people around them happy. Due to this, most of the subjects they learn are related to the specific individuals they want to share their happiness with. They love feeling appreciated for their actions, so showing them how much you care is the best way for them to be motivated.
While Kakashi is definitely not an ENFP, he does have experience teaching one of the most notable Campaigners in anime. His time as Naruto’s sensei has taught him everything he needs to know to keep his ENFP students content and motivated. Kakashi would enjoy helping the Campaigners on their mission to make people around them happy.
INFP (The Mediator) – Hinata Hyuga

INFPs are more interested in learning about ways to benefit the humanity than being concerned about the topic at hand. Mediators always wonder if what they are doing is for the best, so reassuring them while they work is one of the most efficient ways to motivate them.
Hinata is not the strongest kunoichi in Konoha, but she is the kindest. Hinata would be a great sensei for any INFP student, as her compassionate nature would match her students perfectly. She is also a very observant individual, which would make it easy for her to know when her students are in need of assurance.
Final thoughts

It is a fact of life that no one learns in the same way, no matter how similar we may be to each other. If fans were suddenly transported to the world of Naruto, this fact would not change in the slightest. This is why it is so important for them to know who their ideal teacher would be.
Each Shinobi in Naruto would have a different approach to teaching their pupil, so it is important to know what kind of student would be best for them. Knowing one's perfect sensei would be of great help when trying to learn how to be a fantastic Shinobi.