Since the release of Pokemon, every kid has dreamed about having one of these wonderful creatures as a companion in real-life. Imagine having your own giant dragon to help you fly through the sky, or a ghost-type that can play tricks on your friends.
However, you would need to know what kind of Pokemon would have the best kind of relationship with you. To help you find the perfect partner, this list will match each of the 16 different MBTI types with one of these fantastical animals.
Which one is made for you? Keep reading and find out.
Disclaimer: This list reflects the author’s opinion.
Based on your MBTI results, this is the Pokemon partner for you
INTJ – Mewtwo
Out of all the psychic types in the franchise, Mewtwo is probably the one most associated with logical decision making and rational thought. The creature was created in a lab using DNA from Mew, with the mission of becoming the smartest and most powerful being alive. While not the most powerful in the series, Mewtwo is no doubt the smartest.
For members of the INTJ group, a partner like Mewtwo would be the greatest thing in the world. People with this result, also known as the Architects, are firm believers in the idea of logic and rationality being the most important values in life. With Mewtwo by their side, they will enjoy each other’s company as they discuss life’s most intriguing topics.
INTP – Slowking

Slowpoke is one of the least intelligent creatures inside the franchise, but thanks to Shellder, it can evolve into one of the most brilliant. Because of its high IQ, Slowking enjoys learning more about the world and it is rare for anyone to see it lose its composure.
A creature this intelligent and centered would be the perfect companion for people whose result in the MBTI test is INTP. They are also known as the Logicians, and like Slowking, they are level-headed individuals who love learning about new subjects, which makes them the perfect trainers for this clever creature.
ENTJ – Tyranitar

Tyranitar’s intimidating looks are not just for show, seeing as this creature is one of the most territorial and stubborn beings alive. They enjoy their space and see anyone entering without permission as an enemy that needs to be disposed of. Tyranitar is not evil by any means, but you need to be careful when approaching them in order to not face the wrath of their rage.
Similarly, people whose personality type is ENTJ, or the Commander, are individuals who may seem rude and aggressive when you do not treat them with respect. They enjoy living life their own way, without letting anyone tell them what to do. Besides this, they are also extremely loyal, just like a Tyranitar would be with them as their partner.
ENTP – Gengar

Inside the Pokemon world, there is only one creature who stands as the best prankster in the franchise, Gengar. This ghost-type loves fun, as well as spreading it to its friends and loved ones, even if it involves scaring them half to death. Although it can sometimes appear to be a little insensitive, Gengar rarely ever has bad intentions behind its actions.
Just like Gengar, misunderstood members of the ENTP group, or the Debaters, know what it is like for their actions to be misinterpreted by others. They love having thought provoking conversations with others that can sometimes be perceived as inconsiderate by many people.
Nonetheless, Gengar would be able to be there to make its ENTP trainer happy with one of its pranks.
INFJ – Chansey

Chansey is one of the creatures inside the franchise most associated with healing others. With the help of its egg, Chansey can heal almost any wound, no matter how severe it may appear. It enjoys helping others, which is why it is one of Nurse Jenny’s iconic partners.
The Advocates, who are members of the INFJ group also feel a great deal of joy while helping people in need. They are compassionate and always ready to lend their help. With Chansey’s help, they could probably open a clinic to help heal people down on their luck.
INFP – Mimikyu

For Mimikyu, there is nothing more important in life than giving out and receiving love. Mimikyu wants to be as popular as Pikachu, to receive the affection kids give the franchise’s mascot and make them just as happy as the electric mouse does. That is why it hides itself behind its costume, to make itself seem more approachable.
This desire to make people happy and the self-conscious nature that comes with it will resonate deeply in people whose result is INFP. Also known as the Mediators, these individuals are ruled by emotion and compassion.
They always try to make the people around them have a great time, no matter what it takes for them to accomplish this.
ENFJ – Dragonite
Dragonite is a creature who is known for being loyal, caring, and loves helping people lost at sea. Dragonite always does its best to assist anyone without caring about who they are. It loves hugs and displays of affection, as well as letting those close to its heart know how much they mean to it.
For people who love justice and aiding others as much as the ENFJs (The Protagonists), Dragonite would be the best partner to have by their side. They are also selfless individuals who love making the world a better place. With Dragonite as their partner, they could solve even more problems in the world than they do alone.
ENFP – Pikachu

Pikachu is a creature that never loses its optimism and the will to keep going. Whenever it wants to accomplish something, it is hard to stop it from obtaining its goal. We have also seen Pikachu save the world several times in the franchise.
These are the reasons why people categorized as ENFP, aka the Campaigners, would make great partners with our favorite yellow rodent.
Individuals with this personality type always try to see the best in any given situation, as well as always try to create a better world for everyone else. So Pikachu would be the perfect partner for their selfless quest.
ISTJ – Abomasnow

Abomasnow is a creature that likes to be by itself since it dislikes the chaos that other beings can bring to their secluded homes. They are normally calm, only attacking when they perceive a threat around them. Despite liking to be alone, Abomasnow has a soft heart and is always trying to prevent other creatures from attacking defenseless beings.
This is why Abomasnow would be the best match for the Inspectors, people who were sorted into the ISTJ group. These people also love their independence and personal space, but would not mind sharing it with another loner like Abomasnow. Together, they would create a peaceful home where they could reside in solitude and calmness.
ISFJ – Gardevoir

One of the most loyal partners a trainer can have is Gardevoir. This creature loves making its trainer happy, as well as preventing anything from ever harming them. Although sometimes, it can take its safeguarding instincts too far, creating a black hole to destroy the threat that was harming its trainer.
For those individuals who are classified as Protectors, or ISFJs, Gardevoir's caretaking instincts will make them feel right at home. They are loyal people who often go the extra mile to make sure their loved ones are safe and happy, even forgetting their own happiness and safety to achieve this.
With Gardevoir’s help, they can accomplish this task while having someone who will look after them when they forget to do it themselves.
ESTJ – Charizard

Charizards are creatures who love order, community, and discipline more than others, considering they have their own secluded training grounds. They do not mind having to interact with others, but are perfectly fine alone, even preferring solitude sometimes.
For this exact reason, Charizard would be a great partner for ESTJs, also known as the Executives. These are the people who love tradition and honor, just like many Charizards we have seen in the series. They also enjoy company, but only up to a certain degree, which means they would get along flyingly with their Charizard partners.
ESFJ – Blastoise

In large groups, Blastoise is often seen as the leader and caretaker of other baby Pokemon around it. While not often aggressive, it can get violent if it feels the babies under its care are under threat. It is a loyal creature that will always fight to protect its loved ones.
The Consuls, or ESFJs, are similar to this creature in regards to their protective nature and leadership skills. They can often be seen leading a group of people they have taken under their care. Blastoise would be the best addition to their day-to-day lives, as it would help them take care of those closest to them.
ISTP – Pyroar
Pyroar is often found around other members of its species, looking after them and preventing any threat from coming closer to its cubs. They are prideful beings who enjoy company and interaction, although they always expect a certain level of respect when addressing it.
For Virtuosos, people whose results are ISTP, Pyroar’s loyalty and prideful attitude would be too appealing to pass up. ISTPs are people who appreciate loyalty and respect over everything else.
With the help of Pyroar, the Virtuosos will never have to fear being betrayed or disrespected, because their partner would never allow something like that to happen to them.
ISFP – Flygon

Flygon is a creature that loves freedom, flying, and can appear stubborn to many people. They often try to keep to themselves as it is hard for a Flygon to learn to trust others. Nevertheless, once they open up, they can be some of the most charming and caring partners for a trainer.
Members of the ISFP club, or the Adventurers, will identify with Flygon’s friendly but selective personality. They also know how hard it is to become confident when presented with new people or situations. Flygon would make the perfect partner as they would push each other to become more open and confident in themselves.
ESTP – Machamp

Few Pokemon love being appreciated for their accomplishments as much as Machamp. Machamp is an energetic creature that feels very proud of their amazing strength. Thanks to its incredible physical capabilities, it can also adapt to pretty much any situation.
Entrepreneurs, otherwise known as ESTPs, would be ecstatic to have this strong creature as their partner. They also enjoy being recognized because of their feats, as well training themselves to be even better in the future. With the help of their Machamp partners, they will find the strength to go further than ever before
ESFP – Mawile
Mawiles are creatures who enjoy being around others, given their cheerful disposition and energetic nature. However, do not be fooled by its cute face and positive personality, as it is still an extremely dangerous being when it feels threatened or not in control of a situation.
Since they are also pleasing individuals to be around who can become reckless when uncomfortable, Mawile is the perfect partner for the Performers. These people love being around others who can share their optimistic views about life.
With Mawile’s help, they will be able to keep acting like the caring and happy people they are, knowing they have a partner who understands them and is willing to fight for them.