Invincible, the popular anime series on Amazon Prime Video, has captivated audiences with its rich storytelling and a roster of compelling characters. Among the most mystifying is Angstrom Levy, who emerges as a major antagonist to Mark Grayson in the recently released season 2
As the second season unfolds, the growing influence and complexity of Levy's character become evident, challenging both the protagonist's and the audience's perceptions of heroism and villainy in this dynamic universe. His abilities and motivations place him on a collision course with Mark Grayson in the series.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the comics.
Who is Angstrom Levy in Invincible?
Angstrom Levy initially seems like an average person. However, he possesses one of the most unique abilities in the entire series - the power to open portals to alternate universes and access infinite multiverses.
During his travels through different realities, Levy became obsessed with the idea of merging his mind with thousands of alternate versions of himself. He believed this would grant him knowledge beyond anything achievable in a single lifetime.
To accomplish the merge, Levy enlisted the help of the Mauler Twins and their advanced technology. But when Invincible interrupted the merging process, it caused an explosion that left Levy permanently disfigured. His brain now extended down his back in a disturbing fashion.
Levy's quest for revenge and eventual fate
The failed mind-meld left Levy without a clear sense of self. His memories became an entanglement of the over 1,000 Angstrom variants he had tapped into. Blaming Invincible for ruining his procedure and transfiguring his body, Levy made it his sole mission to make the young hero suffer. This motivation fueled his role as a major villain going forward.
After recovering from his injuries, Levy put his powers to sinister use. He scoured alternate universes, gathering the most evil and ruthless versions of the hero he could find. With an assembled army of alternate Invincibles, Levy hatched a plan to attack and destroy the main protagonist's Earth. This kicked off the infamous Invincible War arc.
Although relentless in his pursuit of vengeance, Levy briefly showed his powers could be used for good. After kidnapping Atom Eve, she convinced him that traveling the multiverse didn't have to be for destructive ends. Levy appeared to have a change of heart, only to once again become victim to an evil alternate version of Invincible. This one, dubbed Mohawk Mark, captured and viciously tortured Levy to unlock the secrets of cross-dimensional travel.
In one of the comic's most shocking moments, Robot betrays and kills Mohawk Mark. But he also beheads Levy, ending his ability to freely jump between realities ever again.
In conclusion, Angstrom Levy stands out as one of the most fearsome foes Mark Grayson faces in the series. His mastery over the multiverse proved to be devastating in the wrong hands. But Levy also showed glimmers of wanting to use such reality-bending powers for good.
Unfortunately, his quest for vengeance, combined with encountering a truly evil version of the hero, led to Levy's untimely end. With limitless alternate worlds at his fingertips, Angstrom Levy's story stands as one of the most intriguing in the series.