In Black Clover, the Dark Triad are the formidable antagonists who once ruled the Spade Kingdom. Comprising Dante, Vanica, and Zenon Zogratis, each member wields devastating and unique magic attributes that threaten the balance of the world. Dante manipulates gravity and his own body, Vanica controls blood and curses, and Zenon commands bones and spatial magic.
Their reign of terror includes conquering neighboring kingdoms and pursuing dark rituals to summon devils. Their individual battles with the Magic Knights during the Spade Kingdom Raid Arc reveal their strengths and ultimate fates, shaping the epic conflict of the series.
Black Clover: The Dark Triad group explained
The Dark Triad is a group that consists of three powerful mages who once ruled the Spade Kingdom after overthrowing the royal family, House Grinberryall. They seized power through fear and oppression, turning the once-prosperous kingdom into a nation of conquest and despair.
Under their reign, the Spade Kingdom has successfully taken over most of the Diamond Kingdom and has set its sights on invading other nations. To fuel their war efforts, the weaker citizens of the Spade Kingdom are forced from their homes and used as sources of magic power for the kingdom's mobile fortresses.
One of the Dark Triad's primary goals is to recreate the Tree of Qliphoth, a mystical channel that would enable devils to enter the human world. To achieve this, the tree needs both World Tree Magic and Dark Magic. Zenon Zogratis, one of the Triad, leads an assault on the Golden Dawn squad to capture William Vangeance, a mage with World Tree Magic.
Simultaneously, Dante Zogratis targets the Black Bull squad to capture Yami Sukehiro, who possesses Dark Magic. Their actions set off a chain of events that threatens the very fabric of their world, pushing other kingdoms to the brink of destruction.
Each Dark Triad member's abilities in Black Clover
The Dark Triad has three main members: Dante Zogratis, Vanica Zogratis, and Zenon Zogratis. Each member possesses a unique set of powerful and terrifying abilities that make them formidable foes.
Dante Zogratis wields two distinct magic attributes: Body Magic and Gravity Magic. With Body Magic, he can manipulate his bodily tissues, allowing him to repair injuries, alter his physique, and even form additional limbs at will.
His Gravity Magic lets him control gravitational forces, enabling him to levitate himself and large objects or crush opponents by intensifying gravity. Dante can immobilize enemies in midair and condense materials into powerful objects.
Vanica Zogratis is a master of Blood Magic and Curse-Warding Magic. Her Blood Magic allows her to generate and manipulate blood, shaping it into claws for flying slashes or spikes to impale foes.
Her Curse-Warding Magic enables her to create both harmful and beneficial curses. She can place deteriorating curses on enemies, as she did with Lolopechka, or bestow continuous resurrection curses on her Dark Disciples, ensuring their relentless return to battle.
Zenon Zogratis commands Bone Magic and Spatial Magic. His Bone Magic lets him generate and manipulate bones, forming impenetrable tangles or sharp spears to skewer enemies. With Spatial Magic, he creates spatial cubes that dominate and negate the mana within them, trapping and overpowering his opponents.
Black Clover: The Dark Triad's ultimate fates
In Black Clover, each member of the Dark Triad faces a decisive battle during the Spade Kingdom Raid Arc, leading to their defeats. Dante Zogratis meets his downfall when Magna Swing challenges him in a fierce battle.
Initially underestimating Magna, Dante is shocked as the fight drags on, with both combatants eventually running out of magical power. Magna seizes the opportunity and lands a final uppercut, leaving Dante unconscious. Though Dante briefly regains consciousness, his body magic spirals out of control, and Jack the Ripper ultimately incapacitates him.
After a brutal clash, Vanica Zogratis is defeated by Noelle Silva. Noelle relentlessly attacks Vanica, stripping away her magical defenses. Just as Vanica is pinned and seemingly defeated, Megicula, the devil within Vanica, takes control, partially manifesting and overwhelming the battlefield with Decaying World. Despite this, Vanica is left in a half-dead state after being knocked down by Gadjah's attack and rendered helpless.
Zenon Zogratis faces Yuno in an intense duel, where Yuno, empowered by a second grimoire, finally overcomes Zenon. Yuno’s Holy Spirit of Zephyr pierces Zenon’s heart, leading to his death as Zenon reflects on their differences. Over a year later, Lucius Zogratis uses his siblings' magic to recreate Moris’ body, intertwining their grimoires in his sinister plan.
Final thoughts
The Dark Triad in Black Clover, which consists of Dante, Vanica, and Zenon, are formidable mages whose reign over the Spade Kingdom brings devastation and chaos. Their unique magic attributes and fates highlight their complex roles in the series. Ultimately, their downfall at the hands of their enemies marks a pivotal turn in the story.
Related links:
- Black Clover: How can Asta share his Anti-Magic with the Black Bulls? Explained
- 7 Black Clover characters who ideally represent the Seven Deadly Sins
- Black Clover manga makes a cryptic "final chapter" announcement