Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation is a top-rated Japanese light novel series written by Rifujin na Magonote. The story follows Rudeus Greyrat, a 34-year-old shut-in who gets reincarnated into a new world as a baby after dying trying to save someone.
With a second chance at life, Rudeus decides to make the most of it in this new magical world. As he grows up, he goes on many adventures and encounters several characters who become instrumental figures in his new life. One of the key developments in the story is Rudeus’ romantic relationships and eventual marriages.
So who exactly does Rudeus marry in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation? Let's take a closer look.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation novel.
All three wives of Rudeus Greyrat in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
Rudeus' first marriage - Sylphiette
Rudeus' first marriage is to Sylphiette Greyarat. Sylphiette starts as a shy young girl who Rudeus saves from a demon. Over the years, they develop a close friendship that matures into romance after she grows into a woman.
When they first meet, Rudeus saves a young Sylphiette from a demon attack. As a result, she is very grateful to him, and they become good friends. After being separated for many years, they reunite as young adults, which rekindles their friendship. He helps Sylphiette overcome her social anxiety and self-confidence issues. As she blooms under his care, a romance develops between them. Sylphiette eventually confesses her love to Rudeus, who also proposes to her. She happily accepts and marries him and his other wives, Eris and Roxy.
Rudeus' second marriage - Roxy Migurdia
Rudeus' second marriage is to Roxy Migurdia, who is introduced as his magic teacher early in the story of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation series. Over the years, she develops a very close bond with Rudeus that eventually turns romantic after he grows up.
Roxy first becomes Rudeus' magic teacher and guides his early training when he is still a child. Having lost previous students, Roxy took great pride in mentoring Rudeus. These feelings mature and grow deeper as time passes. Despite an age gap between them, they decide it doesn't matter. Roxy eventually confesses her love to Rudeus, who proposes in response. She happily accepts, and they have a small private wedding with Rudeus' first wife, Eris.
Rudeus' third marriage - Eris
Rudeus' third and final marriage is to Eris Boreas Greyrat, one of the main heroines of the Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation series. Eris is introduced as a troubled and hostile swordswoman who Rudeus helps recover from trauma. Over time, she develops feelings for Rudeus, and they eventually get married.
Eris and Rudeus first meet as childhood friends as young kids. Rudeus helps her open up emotionally, and they become very close. After separating for a few years, they reunite as teenagers, with Eris having become cold and shut off. He slowly helps her heal from her emotional trauma. Eris starts developing romantic feelings for him as she opens up to him. She finally confesses her love, and Rudeus proposes to her. Eris happily accepts, and they get married among close friends.
While polygamy is uncommon today, Rudeus marries three women in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation. However, he develops a genuine, loving bond with each woman rooted in care, healing, and romance. The three wives complement each other with their distinct personalities rather than compete. He takes responsibility for all their emotional needs. As a result, the unusual polygamous marriage thrives in balance and happiness.
In conclusion, Rudeus' marriages to Eris, Roxy, and Sylphiette form the foundation of his familial and romantic relationships in Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation. Each heroine plays a unique, complementary role based on their history with Rudeus. Their polygamous household is built on mutual love, communication, and maturity. Rudeus' marriages support him to thrive in his new magical world.
Stay tuned for more Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation anime and light novel updates as 2023 progresses.