Dragon Ball Super is the sequel to the original Dragon Ball series, written by Toyotarou under Akira Toriyama’s supervision. This manga was initially well-received, but the lack of progression has led to fans criticizing the series.
Despite the criticisms, there are several reasons why fans like the series. One thing that makes this installment stand out is its world-building element, with various characters hailing from different races playing an important role in it. One character that has received a ton of attention in the manga is Gas.
However, fans who haven’t read the manga might ask who Gas is in Dragon Ball Super. He is a member of the influential Heeter family, which hails from Universe 7 and specializes in retrieving and relaying intel to the likes of the Frieza Force.
Let’s take a deeper dive into the manga to answer the question of who Gas is.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Dragon Ball Super manga series.
Gas’ origins and role in Dragon Ball Super
Gas was one of the main characters in Granolah the Survivor Saga, forced to face off against Bardock during the earlier stages. Gas, at the time, was with his siblings when the Frieza Force was in the midst of taking over Planet Cereal.
The initial fight against Bardock didn’t end well for Gas since he was forced to transform into his strongest form, and even that didn’t lend him the win. Bardock was just far too strong at that time, and he defeated the Heeter with relative ease.
During the course of the series, Gas takes on the role of a secondary antagonist. Given his loyalty to his family, most decisions that he took were to please his elder brother Elec. All he wanted to do was kill Frieza since it was his brother’s plan all along.
However, this goal cost him his life. Spending 10 years in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber gave Frieza a new transformation, allowing him to kill Elec and Gas with little to no difficulty.
Powers and abilities of Gas, explained
When Gas first fought Bardock, it ended in a loss for him, since he wasn’t particularly strong back then. Forty years later, Gas became the strongest in the universe, all thanks to Elec’s wishes. He was strong enough to beat Granolah without much difficulty.
Gas was so strong that he not only managed to defeat Granolah but also fought Super Saiyan Blue Goku using Ultra Instinct, a feat that not many can boast about, showing why he was the strongest in Universe 7. This can be credited to Gas' Awakened Form, which he achieved after regaining control over his own mind and powers in Dragon Ball Super.
Following the Awakened Form, he managed to tap into the Aged Form, which was triggered by Elec’s verbal abuse. In this form he was able to take on Goku’s True Ultra Instinct and Vegeta’s Ultra Ego forms at the same time. The stronger he got and the more he pushed himself, the faster he aged, taking a toll on his body. Black Frieza then managed to kill him in just one shot.
Aside from the basic Ki-manipulation techniques, Gas can use Hakai, since he was the strongest fighter in Universe 7. He also has the ability to employ Magic Materialization, which allows him to conjure items from thin air and use them in fights. This is Gas' primary fighting style and can be seen in all his fights.
He is also proficient in Telekinesis and Spirit Control, allowing him to use techniques like Instant Transmission during fights. Gas coats his weapons with Ki as well, to enhance the destructive abilities of the same.
Stay tuned for more Dragon Ball Super anime and manga news as 2024 progresses.
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