Chainsaw Man is a popular manga and anime series that has gained a massive following since its release in 2018. The series revolves around a young boy named Denji who merges with a devil named Pochita to become Chainsaw Man. One of the most unique characters in the series is the Angel Devil, also known as Tenshi no Akuma in Japanese. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Angel Devil, including his appearance, personality, history, and abilities.
The appearance of Angel Devil
The Angel Devil is depicted as a young male character who wears a Public Safety suit. He has shoulder-length hair that is depicted as vermilion red in the official colored manga. A halo is also shown floating above his hair, and he has white wings on his upper back. After the events of the International Assassins arc, the Angel Devil loses both of his arms.
The personality of Angel Devil
The Angel Devil is a unique devil who has virtually no hostility towards humans. He considers himself to be a devil first and an angel second, and he believes that humans ought to die in pain. However, he is later seen apologizing to certain humans for their deaths, which suggests some form of affection towards humans. This may be a result of his being a part angel.
The Angel Devil dislikes being ordered around and seems to have an aversion to combat. He prefers to move an unconscious enemy outside rather than carry on fighting. His extreme laziness holds him back from being a strong fighter, and he often refuses to work. When pressed to fight, he shows some reluctance to use his abilities and apologizes to the people whose lifespan he has stolen when he uses their lifespan to create weapons.
As a result of his power, the Angel Devil is socially withdrawn and usually seen isolated from the rest of his fellow devil hunters. Aki Hayakawa is the only one who has a sort of connection with him as he is the first known human who has not been afraid of touching him.
The Angel Devil is partial to soft-serve ice cream, eating three cones in one sitting and requesting another. He has shown a willingness to eat anything, including zombie flesh and the corpse of a fellow devil. Initially, he only wishes to die so he wouldn't have to work again. However, over the course of the story, the Angel Devil slowly starts to reject that notion and eventually desires to have a normal life like an ordinary human.
History of Angel Devil
The Angel Devil's last memory was supposedly on a coastal village where he found a community of people who took him in and looked after him, even though he was a devil. In that community, he supposedly dated a young woman whom he described as "The one I loved, and the one who loved me."
Afterward, the community and his supposed girlfriend went to the beach, when suddenly Makima arrived, asking to see his devil powers. Though he refused at first, she insisted, ordering him to use them. He then reawoke hours later, having absorbed the lives of everyone in the village.
In Chapter 74, the Angel Devil suddenly remembers his past after Makima commands Aki to accept a contract. Intending to fight Makima, he uses ten years of life force to create a blade. However, she merely says the word "Down" and the Angel Devil crumples to the floor. She kneels next to him, ordering him to give his all to her. Possessed by the power of mental control, the Angel Devil agrees to be Makima's dog and obey her orders.
Abilities for Angel Devil
As a Devil, the Angel Devil possesses all of the standard devil abilities. Besides the standard abilities, the Angel Devil possesses the unique ability to absorb lifespans with a simple touch, which makes him a formidable opponent. The Angel Devil can also manipulate and control the elements of fire and lightning, which gives him a significant advantage in combat. He is incredibly agile and fast, able to move and react quickly, making it difficult for opponents to land a hit on him.
The Angel Devil has a highly developed sense of intuition and strategic thinking. He can quickly assess his opponent's weaknesses and devise a plan to exploit them. This makes him an excellent strategist and a valuable asset in any battle.
In addition to his combat abilities, the Angel Devil has the power to heal others. He can transfer his own life force to heal wounds and injuries, making him a valuable ally in times of need.
What are the weaknesses of Angel Devil?
Despite being incredibly powerful, Angel Devil has a few weaknesses. One of the most notable weaknesses of Angel Devil is his extreme laziness. Due to his laziness, he rarely uses his powers, which holds him back from becoming even more powerful. Moreover, his angelic nature often becomes his downfall, as he tends to hesitate in combat situations, leading to him being hurt by the enemy.
Another weakness of Angel Devil is his inability to control the amount of lifespan he absorbs. If he accidentally touches someone, their life span starts decreasing, and he cannot stop it. Therefore, he tries to avoid physical contact with humans as much as possible, as he doesn't want to hurt them.
The future of Angel Devil in the series
As the series continues, the role of the Angel Devil in the story is becoming increasingly important. With the introduction of his character, it is apparent that his unique abilities will play a significant role in the battle between humans and devils. Moreover, his dual personality adds another layer of complexity to the already intricate plot of Chainsaw Man.
The Verdict
In conclusion, Angel Devil is a unique character in Chainsaw Man with both angelic and demonic qualities. He embodies the fear of angels and possesses the ability to absorb lifespans with a single touch. Despite being incredibly powerful, his extreme laziness and hesitation in combat situations can be considered his weaknesses. Nonetheless, Angel Devil remains an interesting addition to the series, adding an extra layer of complexity to the already diverse world of Devils and Devil Hunters. With the story still unfolding, it would be interesting to see how the character of Angel Devil develops and the role he will play in the future arcs of the series.