My Hero Academia is an anime/manga series that has captured the hearts of millions around the world. Eri, also known as Eri-Chan, is one of the most significant characters in the series. She is a young girl with a unique Quirk that allows her to rewind and reverse the state of living things.
In this article, we will delve deeper into her appearance, personality, biography, and powers and abilities.
Eri is a young girl characterized by her small frame, pale blue-grey hair, and red eyes. A small horn grows on the upper-right side of her head, which seems to correlate with her Rewind Quirk. Her arms bear several scars from the experiments that Kai Chisaki (Overhaul) performed on her by disassembling and reassembling her body.
Eri's personality is characterized by her timidness and innocence. She has no interest in the nefarious schemes of the Shie Hassaikai and their leader, Overhaul. Despite her attempts to resist and escape captivity during her childhood, she was repeatedly stopped and recaptured, causing her to accept her fate as a prisoner.
Eri is emotionally numb and does not cry or scream when someone threatens her but rather remains silent and fearful, knowing that she has no choice but to accept her fate. However, she weeps with gratitude when Izuku Midoriya shows her genuine kindness, which she has never experienced before.
Overhaul manipulates Eri, convincing her that her existence brings harm and misery to others. This leads her to surrender to him rather than believe that others suffer because of her. Even after being rescued, Eri remains fragile and traumatized, unable to smile or experience happiness. However, at the School Festival, Eri is overwhelmed with joy, enabling her to smile and free herself from her traumatic past.
Eri's Quirk manifested when she was a toddler, accidentally causing her to erase her father from existence. Her mother, fearing her daughter's abilities, disowned her, and she was taken in by her maternal grandfather, who was the head of the Shie Hassaikai. Kai Chisaki, his protégé, often took care of Eri and eventually transformed the organization into a league of villains. He subjected Eri to experiments and discovered that her blood could reverse human bodies and erase Quirks.
He regularly extracted Eri's blood and sold it to other villains in the form of bullets. Despite her suffering, Eri chose to stay with Kai to protect others from harm. Eri attempted to escape from Kai and collided with Izuku Midoriya and Mirio Togata, who later rescued her. However, Eri went back to Kai when she saw him preparing to attack the heroes, even though they remained suspicious of him. Izuku and Mirio inform their boss, Sir Nighteye, of the event, and he tracks down Eri in the Shie Hassaikai compound. Sir Nighteye is a pro hero and has a quirk that allows him to see into the future, although it can only show him one possible outcome, which he believes to be absolute.
Upon finding Eri, Sir Nighteye reveals that he had previously encountered Overhaul and his organization and was able to predict the dangerous consequences of their actions. Sir Nighteye believes that Eri's quirk, which allows her to rewind a person's biological state, is the key to Overhaul's plans and must be protected at all costs. Sir Nighteye orders Izuku and Mirio to protect Eri while he confronts Overhaul and his henchmen. However, during the battle, Sir Nighteye is fatally wounded by Overhaul, who is eventually defeated by the combined efforts of Izuku, Mirio, and other heroes.
In the aftermath of the battle, Eri is taken into protective custody by the heroes, and Izuku and Mirio are hailed as heroes for their bravery. The events of the battle lead to changes in the hero society, with some heroes questioning their own motivations and actions.
Powers & Abilities
Eri possesses the Quirk called "Rewind" that enables her to rewind the state of a living being. This includes the ability to revert a person's age, and in some instances, rewind a person out of existence as demonstrated by her father. Moreover, she can use her power to restore injuries and allow Midoriya to use One For All: Full Cowl - 100% without harming himself.
Eri's horn emits unknown energy while using her Quirk, which is not inherited from her bloodline but resulted from a rare genetic mutation. Due to her young age, Eri lacks control over her Quirk and is scared of using it for fear of hurting others. The power of her Quirk makes it challenging to train since it can only be used on living beings.
However, with the assistance of Aizawa, Eri has undergone training and can now use her Rewind ability successfully by practicing on small animals such as bugs and lizards. At Mirio's request, Eri has restored his Quirk using her powers.