Bungo Stray Dogs, also abbreviated as BSD, is a Japanese manga series written by Kafka Asagiri and drawn by Sango Harukawa. The show centers on the "Armed Detective Agency" team as they battle the Port Mafia to defend Yokohama.
The main lead of the series is a young adult, Atsushi Nakajima. He works with other people who possess supernatural abilities to complete various duties such as managing a company, decoding clues, and completing missions given by the organization. Atsushi Nakajima, the Armed Detective Agency's member, has the ability: Beast Beneath the Moonlight.
Main character in Bungou Strays Dogs
Atsushi Nakajima is a young adult who serves as the series' main character. He collaborates with others who are endowed with supernatural abilities to carry out a range of tasks, including running a business, solving puzzles, and finishing assignments assigned by the group. Member of the Armed Detective Agency Atsushi Nakajima possesses the ability Beast Beneath the Moonlight.
Atsushi Nakajima’s Background
Growing up in an orphanage, Atsushi suffered severe physical and verbal abuse at the hands of his caretakers in addition to social isolation. Atsushi's adult self-esteem has suffered greatly as a result of his past mistreatment, leading him to continuously doubt the purpose and worth of his life. The director of the orphanage claims that Atsushi's parents abandoned him. The director turns into the cornerstone of Atsushi's distorted sense of self. The director would sometimes chain Atsushi in a cell with little to no food for at least three days due to the torture, which was probably particularly severe because of the tiger's nighttime rampages.
Additionally, Atsushi had an involuntary injection of something he believed to be poison (a substance he would later come to believe to be nutrition as an adult). Furthermore, in an attempt to educate Atsushi on how to "endure pain," the director once made him drive a nail into his foot. When he could not, the director hit Atsushi in the foot with a hammer and told him to think about it on his own.
The director seemed to further encourage Atsushi's hate. Atsushi endured mistreatment not just from the director and other caregivers but also from the other orphans. When Atsushi got into trouble, the other orphans would often throw him under the bus since the orphanage operated on a point system that determined when and if they would get food. Atsushi was expelled from the orphanage when he turned 18 because they had to reduce operations due to a shortage of financing. He was using the ability to turn into a white tiger in the moonlight, though he didn't know it at the time, and he was wreaking havoc by destroying storehouses and farming fields.
FAQs on the main lead in Bungou Stray Dogs
A. The main lead in Bungou Strays Dogs is a young adult, Atsushi Nakajima.
A. Atsushi Nakajima possesses the ability Beast Beneath the Moonlight which allows him to transform into a white tiger.
A. Chūya Nakahara is one of the strongest characters in Bungou Stray Dogs series.