Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba has captivated global audiences with its thrilling tale of intense battles between the heroic Demon Slayer Corps and the powerful Twelve Kizuki, the twelve most dangerous demons under Muzan Kibutsuji. One of the vilest members of the Twelve Kizuki was Doma, who held the second highest rank of Upper Rank 2. Doma was a cruel, apathetic demon who committed many horrendous acts.
His twisted nature made his eventual death well-deserved. So, who was it that ultimately killed this formidable villain? This article will provide an in-depth explanation of Doma's twisted backstory and the key events that led to his demise in the Demon Slayer series.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Demon Slayer manga.
Doma's backstory in Demon Slayer
Kanao dealt the final blow to Doma with the help of Zenitsu and the ultimate sacrifice of Shinobu. From a young age, Doma displayed an apathetic and twisted personality. As a child, he became the leader of the Heavenly Faith Cult due to his supernatural features like rainbow eyes and white hair.
While still quite young, he witnessed his mother stab his adulterous father to death before poisoning herself. Yet, he felt no emotion except annoyance at the smell of blood filling the room.
At just 20 years old, Doma met Muzan Kibutsuji, who turned him into a powerful demon after he consumed excessive amounts of Muzan's blood. Becoming a demon allowed the already cruel and detached Doma to unleash his evil without restraint.
After turning into a demon, Doma committed countless horrific acts. One of his victims was Inosuke Hashibira's mother, Kotoha Hashibira. After running away from her abusive husband and his mother, Kotoha joined Doma's cult.
Doma accepted her into the cult because of her beauty and later killed her husband and mother-in-law when they came searching for her. However, when Kotoha realizes the true evil nature of the cult, she escapes with baby Inosuke in an attempt to save him. But she ultimately ended up being ruthlessly murdered by Doma, leaving Inosuke an orphan.
Doma also turned the orphaned siblings Gyutaro and Ume into the sadistic demons Daki and Gyutaro after meeting them. He even inducted them into the Twelve Kizuki despite their lowly origins. Additionally, Doma fought and critically injured Kanae Kocho, the talented Flower Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps.
Although Kanae battled valiantly, Doma's overwhelming power and regenerative abilities led to her defeat. When Doma tried to devour her, sunrise intervened, forcing him to retreat. She later died from the wounds inflicted by Doma in this fateful encounter.
Shinobu's Vow of Vengeance
Kanae Kocho's cruel death at Doma's hands led her younger sister Shinobu to swear revenge against the demon who murdered her beloved sibling. She took over the title of Insect Hashira and dedicated herself to vengeance. Shinobu was fully aware she would likely die in a confrontation with the powerful Doma.
Therefore, she devised a risky plan, working with Tamayo to slowly build up a lethal tolerance to wisteria poison over the course of a year. Her ultimate plan was to allow Doma to consume her, thereby poisoning him from within, using the massive dose contained in her body.
The Final Battle
During the Infinity Castle Arc, the Demon Slayer Corps' launched their final assault on Muzan Kibutsuji and the Twelve Kizuki. Inside Infinity Castle, the Upper Rank 2 demon Doma had been consuming his followers when he was confronted by Shinobu Kocho.
She immediately went on the offensive, unleashing a relentless barrage of attacks against Doma with her blade and insect breathing techniques. The two engaged in intense combat, but Shinobu's initial attempts to kill the demon failed.
Realizing brute force would not work, Shinobu instead put her secret plan into action - she allowed Doma to consume her, unleashing a fatal dose of ingested wisteria poison directly into his body. The poison quickly began destroying Doma from the inside out, melting his flesh as he desperately tried to regenerate from the damage. Shinobu had successfully executed her intricate suicide attack on the cruel demon.
It was then that Kanao Tsuyuri, Shinobu's adopted sister, and Inosuke Hashibira arrived on the scene. Seeing the wisteria poison beginning to take a fatal effect on Doma, they seized this opportune moment to decapitate the greatly weakened demon before he could recover.
Using the very last of his power, Doma summoned a massive Buddhist ice statue surrounded by lotus flowers to shield himself. But Kanao utilized her advanced Flower Breathing style to gracefully evade Doma's defenses, while Inosuke struck with his wild dual-blade attacks. Together they were able to break through and sever Doma's head in a scissor-like strike.
As he died, Doma felt utter humiliation at being defeated by these "weak" demon slayers. He pathetically tried to regenerate his head before realizing he was doomed by Shinobu's ingenious poison plan. Given his sadistic past, Doma's agonizing end seemed a fitting demise. And even in his final moments, rejection stung as Shinobu scorned his profession of love for her.
In conclusion, through her tragic sacrifice, Shinobu Kocho accomplished her mission by lethally poisoning Doma internally with wisteria. With Kanao and Inosuke's assistance, Shinobu finally avenged her sister's murder, beheading Upper Rank 2 Doma.
His agonizing demise was poetic justice for an appallingly cruel demon who inflicted immense suffering. Demon Slayer highlights that courageous self-sacrifice can topple even the greatest evils.