Due to its complex characters, intricate and dark storyline, and dramatic action scenes, the anime and manga series Attack on Titan has captivated fans worldwide. Death is pervasive in this world, with characters frequently meeting their demise in surprising and tragic ways.
Sasha Braus, a popular character, also met her untimely demise towards the end of the series. She was a Survey Corps member and one of the few former 104th Training Corps members. The circumstances surrounding her death have sparked intense speculation among fans, with many trying to piece together the mystery of why Eren laughed at Sasha's death.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers.
Who caused Sasha's death in Attack on Titan?

In Attack on Titans, when the Survey Corps infiltrated Marley, a nation that used Titans as weapons of war, Sasha Braus and her comrades were also there to gather information and prevent a war. Unfortunately, it was during this time that Sasha was shot and killed by Gabi, a young girl seeking revenge on Eren and the Survey Corps.

In Attack on Titans, Gabi and Falco secretly boarded the airship that the Survey Corps utilized during their operation in Liberio. During their escape from Marley, Gabi took advantage of their celebratory mood and ended up killing Sasha on the airship.
The shot did not kill Sasha instantly as the Scouts tried to patch her up, but she soon died due to blood loss, with her final word being "meat".
Why did Eren laugh?

Mikasa, Armin, and a number of other characters were visibly affected by Sasha's passing in Attack on Titans. What really shocked them, though, was when Eren began to laugh.
The reason behind Eren Yeager's surprising reaction to Sasha's death is complicated. He is a complex character who was developed with nuance by the mangaka. This is all speculation, but Eren may have been laughing to hide his pain and grief. Sasha was one of Eren's closest friends, and her death must have come as a shock.
Eren may have been deflecting his feelings by laughing, but this caused a rift between Eren and his comrades.

Along with masking his pain, Eren's laughter was probably also a reflection of his own guilt.
In Attack on Titans, he witnessed his mother's death at the hands of Titans and vowed to destroy them all. However, as the price of his plan, many innocent lives were lost, including those of his former friends. Eren may have laughed out of bitterness and self-hatred, knowing that he is responsible for Sasha's death and the deaths of countless others.
Or, the protagonist of the series may have found Sasha's death both amusing and tragic due to the irony of their last words being "meat". Throughout the series, she was known for bringing about an element of humor - something that was reflected even in her tragic death.