While the second season of the Tower of God television anime series introduced many significant characters, one of its most involved and significant is antagonist Reflejo. Despite primarily appearing in the second half of the season, also called the Workshop Battle Arc, he plays a major role, especially in the context of its climactic finish.
Likewise, many anime-only fans want to know, “Who is Reflejo in Tower of God?” as his status as the Workshop Battle Arc’s primary antagonist has been made abundantly clear. Reflejo is a blind human male regular who hid as a sleeper agent E-Rank for FUG, is loyal to Slayer Karaka, and likewise plots against Bam, also known as Slayer Candidate Jue Viole Grace.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the manga/anime through the entirety of season 2's events.
Reflejo’s origins and role in Tower of God
While the above is the very brief answer to “Who is Reflejo in Tower of God,” his backstory and role are much more complex. Pre-series, Reflejo was a member of a tribe or family of people who were mercilessly slaughtered due to his actions. Tragically, the only crime Reflejo committed was looking upon someone known as “Ms. Yulia,” a Jahad’s Princesses candidate from one of the Ten Great Families (implied to be the Poe Bidau family, specifically).
Reflejo described her beauty as blinding, to the point where she stole his heart in the blink of an eye. A guard or assistant with Ms. Yulia likewise punished Reflejo and his people for this reason, saying she was too beautiful to be beholden by likes of him. While his family was killed, his eyes were “tied shut” per the series’ official Wiki, effectively leading to his aforementioned blindness.
As for the story itself, Reflejo’s role first begins in Tower of God’s The Workshop Battle Arc. He and Yuto (later revealed to be Hwaryun in disguise) pledge their allegiance and services to Bam and offer him Enryu’s Thorn. He’s shown to be primarily focused on keeping Bam both controlled and in sight, ridiculing Xia Xia for allowing him to wander on his own. However, he was also shown to obey Bam’s orders, such as when Bam asked he be sent to the Archimedes.
Reflejo then becomes a gambler in the opening round of the Workshop Battle itself, performing well enough to earn himself an immediate spot in the titular tournament’s semifinal round. Here, he worked with Bam initially and explained the dangers of their enemies, Team Mad Dog, before Bam asked him to handle the Mad Dog Varagarv himself. Bam then ran off to begin his plan to escape from Reflejo and FUG’s clutches.
However, Reflejo reveals to Novick that they knew of Bam’s plans and that he knows Bam met with his former allies, a direct violation of his agreement with FUG. Reflejo then briefly appeared before the now-captive Bam, explaining his intent to use Bam’s soul to power the Thorn, rather than give the Thorn to Bam himself. This would allow his master Karaka and FUG to control the Thorn directly, rather than needing to manipulate Bam and control the Thorn indirectly.
Bam eventually escaped, which Reflejo discovered after meeting with the disguised Hwaryun. After revealing herself, she explained that those within FUG who opposed Karaka’s plan set up a counter, which effectively utilized and flipped Reflejo and Karaka’s plans. While she and the others separated Bam from Reflejo and FUG successfully, they were caught themselves, forcing Bam to return and fight Reflejo to save them.
This is Tower of God season 2’s climactic fight, which sees the recently reunited Bam, Rak Wraithraiser, and Khun Aguero Agnes successfully defeat Reflejo. During the fight, his aforementioned backstory is revealed, as is his devotion to Karaka and serving Lord Poken, an anthropomorphic shadow in Karaka’s service. Despite Reflejo’s power being comparable to a B-Rank Regular, he is defeated by Bam and co, dying shortly thereafter.
In summation
The answer to “Who is Reflejo in Tower of God” lies in the character’s FUG affiliations and origins. Reflejo is a servant of FUG Slayer Karaka who opposed Bam, as Karaka does, and attempts to use him to give Karaka the Thorn. Reflejo likewise poses as Viole’s ally during much of his involvement in the story but is in reality opposed to him. However, Reflejo eventually loses to Bam and his recently reunited allies and is killed as a result.
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