In Jujutsu Kaisen, the ongoing showdown between Ryomen Sukuna and the protagonist Yuji Itadori and his allies has fueled immense hype in the fandom. However, the recent mention of a new character named Usami in Jujutsu Kaisen chapter 253 has sparked numerous fan theories and speculations. With the mangaka dropping a new character out of the blue, fans now wonder: Who is Usami in JJK?
Jujutsu Kaisen has become one of the most popular series in anime and manga communities alike. Its captivating storyline, well-developed characters, and exhilarating fight scenes, crafted by Gege Akutami, have earned it a special place in the hearts of fans worldwide.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Jujutsu Kaisen manga.
Who is Usami in Jujutsu Kaisen? Identity explored
Usami has become a focal point of discussion in the Jujutsu Kaisen fandom. In the opening pages of chapter 253, the question of who is the strongest Grade 1 sorcerer is mentioned. Many prominent sorcerers, such as Mei Mei, Kento Nanami, and even the strongest sorcerer of the present era, Satoru Gojo, acknowledge Kusakabe as the strongest.
However, when Kusakabe himself is questioned, he implies that the strongest Grade 1 sorcerer must be someone other than himself or Usami. The sudden mention of Usami by Kusakabe has piqued readers' curiosity, especially since this is the first and only time the name has been brought up in the story.
Given that Usami's name seemingly came out of nowhere and was referenced by Kusakabe himself, fans are coming up with theories while awaiting further details about this new inclusion.
Also read: Brilliant Jujutsu Kaisen theory confirms who Usami is (& it makes perfect sense)
Speculations on this new character's identity
JJK mangaka Gege Akutami has yet to reveal Usami's identity. As such, fans are left to speculate and theorize about this new inclusion in the series. One theory stands out among all the speculations circulating on social media, suggesting that Usami could be Kusakabe's little sister, as mentioned in chapter 147.
This theory has gained traction among fans, who eagerly await confirmation or further clues from future chapters to validate their speculation. The latest chapter ends with a cliffhanger as Kusakabe faces off alone against the formidable King of Curses.
The timing of Usami's mention strongly suggests a potential connection to Kusakabe himself. Fans are well aware of Kusakabe's tendency to avoid dangerous situations, as evidenced by his reluctance to engage in risky confrontations.
In this chapter, his deliberate exclusion of himself and Usami's name when mentioning the strongest Grade 1 sorcerer hints at a desire to keep himself and this individual out of the spotlight. This further bolsters the theory that Usami will likely be Kusakabe's sister or someone equally close to him.
Final thoughts
Fans may not have to wait much longer for concrete answers regarding Usami. With Kusakabe poised to take center stage in the battle against Sukuna in the upcoming chapter 254, the storyline is expected to delve deeper into Kusakabe's character and potentially unveil the true identity of Usami.
Also read: Jujutsu Kaisen: Not Yuji, but Maki will be the one to save Megumi
The mangaka's decision to introduce Usami's name in this chapter suggests they may play a significant role in Kusakabe's confrontation with Sukuna. Fans are hyped for the next chapter to uncover more about Usami and witness the outcome of Kusakabe's showdown against Sukuna.