In anime and manga, it's common for characters to get nosebleeds when they experience arousal or excitement. This trope is known as "hanaji" in Japanese, and with time, it has become a widely accepted form of expression that is often used for comedic effect.
This phenomena is well known among anime fans because it is employed by artists to depict specific emotions in characters. Although the origins of the nosebleed trope are not clear, it is supposed to have evolved from the Japanese concept that when a person is s*xually aroused, stimulated, or overwhelmed, their blood pressure rises, causing the nose to bleed.
From Dragon Ball to One Piece: The use of nosebleed to express emotions such as excitement, arousal, and more in anime
Manga and anime are renowned for their distinctive expressions and unique methods of visual storytelling. The usage of bloody nose to depict emotions such as excitement, arousal, and a sense of overwhelm in anime characters is one such visual cliche that has gained popularity.
This way of expressing emotions is also often used in globally popular anime series like One Piece, Dragon Ball, and many more. The nosebleed has become a commonly used tool in anime to depict a character's innermost feelings in a more comical way.

In anime, the nosebleeding of characters is often portrayed as a physical reaction to intense emotional stimuli. It is usually depicted as a gushing flow of blood from the character's nostrils, often in a hillarious way for comic effect. While this visual trope may seem strange to those unfamiliar with anime and manga, it is widely accepted within anime community as a way of expressing certain emotions.
One of the most common uses of the trope in anime is to depict a character's s*xual excitement or arousal. When a character sees an attractive person or is exposed to s*xual content, they may suffer a bloody nose as a humorous representation of their inner desires. This is often used in comedic scenes to lighten the mood and add an element of humor.
Another way the bleeding nose is used in anime is to depict a character being overwhelmed or in shock. When a character experiences something intense or frightening, they may get a bloody nose as a way to visually represent the impact of the experience on their body. This is often used to heighten the tension in a scene and to convey the gravity of the situation.
In some cases, the nosebleeding scenes can be used to depict a character's excitement, love or enthusiasm for something. When a character is passionate about something, they may get a nosebleed as a way to express their intense feelings. This can be seen in some anime series, where characters may suffer bleeding of nose when they are extremely excited.
Origin and significance
The precise origin of the nose-bleed trope is uncertain, but it is believed to have emerged from the Japanese belief that when someone becomes s*xually aroused, their blood pressure elevates, which may result in a nosebleed. In anime and manga, this is frequently depicted in a humorous manner, with the character's nosebleeding becoming so intense that it gushes out like a fountain.
Although this belief is scientifically inaccurate, it has become a common way of expressing certain emotions in anime and manga. The trope is sometimes also believed to have its roots in an old wives' tale that suggests teenagers experiencing intense hormonal changes are particularly susceptible to nosebleeding when exposed to s*xually suggestive stimuli.
Some critics suggest that this trope is comical and easier for children to understand without making the scene intensely mature. Manga artist Yasuji Tanioka is believed to have introduced the motif in the early 1970s, which soon became a popular trope in the comedy genre and began being widely used from there on.
The "hanaji" theme has drawn criticism from those who believe it perpetuates the myth that men cannot control their s*xual desires and may even physically respond to them. Some counter that it is only a harmless comedic exaggeration in the work of fiction with no relation to real life, and thus, it shouldn't be taken too seriously.