The latest release of the Boruto manga series, Boruto Two Blue Vortex, has introduced a pivotal moment in the storyline that has left fans captivated. Chapters 79 and 80 set the stage for a major narrative shift, featuring an exciting time skip that has sparked enthusiastic discussions among avid followers of the series.
After Boruto returns to the Hidden Leaf Village, dressed in clothing reminiscent of Sasuke's and wielding a sword similar to his mentor's, many wonder why he decided to leave Konoha. This article examines chapters 79 and 80 in order to shed light on the reasons behind Boruto's departure alongside Sasuke.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for the Boruto manga
Boruto Two Blue Vortex: Why did Boruto leave the village?
The Boruto manga took a major turn in chapters 78, 79, and 80, but recent developments have shifted the story in a new direction. In the latest installment titled Boruto Two Blue Vortex, Boruto finally returned to the Hidden Leaf Village after being away for almost three years.
In chapter 80, the story takes an intriguing turn as Eida reveals her extraordinary ability to alter history. She possesses the power to manipulate reality to such an extent that the entire world now perceives Kawaki as Naruto Uzumaki's rightful son, while Boruto is falsely portrayed as the rogue who assassinated the Seventh Hokage, Naruto.
Following the emergence of Eida's omnipotence, which caused a fundamental reshaping of reality, Sarada recognized the gravity of the situation and enlisted Sasuke's help.
Their joint objective was to facilitate Boruto's escape from the Hidden Leaf Village. United in purpose, they departed the village with a singular focus: rigorous training to unearth a solution that would reverse Eida's ability to manipulate reality.
This pivotal moment marked a significant turning point in the storyline of Boruto while also paving the way for Boruto Two Blue Vortex.
In the latest chapter, with a whole new manga named Boruto Two Blue Vortex, the story continues after a significant time jump from chapter 80. Boruto's homecoming to the village is nothing short of remarkable, as he showcases his transformed appearance and skills, by simply standing on top of Code.
Donning an outfit reminiscent of Sasuke's iconic style and wielding a sword similar to his mentor's, Boruto's return is a powerful testament to the growth and changes he has experienced during his absence from the village.
In this post-time-skip chapter, another exciting revelation occurred as the new leader of the Hidden Leaf Village was unveiled - none other than Shikamaru Nara. This unexpected choice for Hokage marked a significant development in the village's leadership.
Final thoughts
The latest installment of the Boruto manga, titled Boruto Two Blue Vortex, takes readers on an exciting new adventure. Chapters 79 and 80 mark a turning point in the story, as we watch Boruto's impressive growth and transformation upon his return to the Hidden Leaf Village.
This captivating narrative shift not only showcases his evolved appearance but also highlights his newfound abilities.
The reveal of Eida's reality-altering abilities, her manipulation of history, and the departure of Boruto and Sasuke added depth to the storyline. The upcoming chapters will revolve around their mission to confront Kawaki and find a solution to undo Eida's overwhelming power.
Moreover, the unexpected selection of Shikamaru Nara as the Hidden Leaf Village's eight Hokage brings a surprising twist to the narrative. As the story progresses, fans can anticipate a thrilling and engaging phase in the Boruto storyline.