Boruto: Naruto Next Generations is an extremely popular shōnen anime and manga series that is a sequel to the famed Naruto series. The show has introduced a huge array of characters, many of whom share a relationship with each other that can be quite tense at times.
The protagonist of the series is generally mean towards the Seventh Hokage, his father Naruto, on numerous occasions. As expected, fans were curious as to why the father-son duo don’t share the best relationship in the series. This article will explore a few reasons why Boruto is mean to his father.
Why Boruto is mean to his father in the series
Obviously, there’s a lot of pressure on the protagonist since he is the son of the Seventh Hokage. Naturally, he is constantly being watched by everyone and is often compared to Naruto as well. This is exhausting for Naruto’s son and can be quite stressful at the end of the day. He doesn’t want to be compared to his father and wants to carve out his own path for the future. This could be one of the few reasons why he is quite mean to his father in the series.
Another reason why the protagonist is mean to his father could be because of the latter's absence in their home. Clearly, being a Hokage is quite a difficult task since Naruto himself is responsible for the entire village’s well-being and safety. Along with its safety, there comes a ton of administrative responsibilities which demands a lot of attention from the Hokage.
Therefore, Naruto isn’t at home most days and barely gets to spend time with his family, which has clearly annoyed his son who also wanted his younger sister to spend some time with their father as well. Moreover, the fact that Naruto wasn’t able to attend their kids’ birthday really hurt his son’s feelings since it’s the one day he could have taken off to spend time with loved ones.
Despite this, Boruto handled the situation with maturity and insisted that Naruto at least attend Himawari’s birthday. Instead of coming home to celebrate his daughter’s birthday, Naruto sent a shadow clone instead, much to the irritation of his son.
These are some of the reasons why the protagonist harbored animosity towards his father.
This article reflects the personal views of the author.