The introduction of Boruto Two Blue Vortex marks a significant turning point for the series, addressing many of the criticisms plaguing its predecessor. From the overshadowing presence of Naruto and Sasuk in the prequel series, to the overwhelming volume of filler episodes, which once diluted the main plot, the latest series has addressed these issues. However, even after rectifying these issues, the series and characters still get hate.
In view of the fandom, this hate now seems to be forced as the Two Blue Vortex series offers a tighter, action-packed narrative that engages viewers from the very first chapter. The protagonist's character development, among other improvements, adds substantial depth to the storyline. These significant improvements demonstrate that the series has actively listened to fan feedback, rendering much of the ongoing hate towards Boruto forced and unwarranted.
Disclaimer: This article reflects the writer's opinions
Boruto Two Blue Vortex: Sidelining of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke
One of the major points of hate towards the Boruto: Naruto Next Generations was the excessive involvement of Naruto and Sasuke. Although their presence was a major draw for fans of the original series, their continued dominance overshadowed the development of the new generation. This felt like a missed opportunity, leaving viewers yearning for Boruto and his peers to take center stage truly.
Thankfully, the Boruto Two Blue Vortex series seems to be addressing this. In the latest series, both Naruto and Sasuke have been sealed. Naruto and Hinata have been sealed in some other dimension, while Sasuke has become a tree. This has forced the next generation of Shinobi to step up, confronting threats and challenges without the safety net of their powerful elders.
Boruto Two Blue Vortex: Decrease in filler content
Another common complaint was the abundance of filler episodes in the early days of Boruto. While some fillers were lighthearted and enjoyable, the sheer volume felt like a stalling tactic, delaying the progression of the main plot. The series appears to have heard this criticism loud and clear. The current pacing of the new series is much tighter, with action in the first chapter itself.
This would ensure that the viewers are constantly engaged with the core story, eliminating the frustration of filler arcs disrupting the flow.
Boruto Two Blue Vortex: Boruto Uzumaki's character development
Initially, Boruto's character himself enraged some fans. His disrespectful attitude towards his father, the Hokage, and his general spoiled demeanor were off-putting. However, this was clearly intended as a starting point for his growth. As the series progressed to the events after the time skip, fans witnessed a significant shift in Boruto's personality.
He begins to understand the value of sacrifices and is willing to save the world even though they're against him. This development in his character adds depth to his personality, making him a more relatable protagonist with a clear path for development.
Final thoughts
The latest Boruto Two Blue Vortex series has effectively addressed past criticisms by sidelining Naruto and Sasuke, reducing filler episodes, and deepening Boruto's character. These improvements demonstrate significant growth in the series, making the continued hatred for it seem increasingly unjustified and forced.
Related links:
- Himawari's Tailed Beast Bomb in latest Boruto leaks prove this Kurama is different from Naruto's
- Boruto setting Himawari up as the next Naruto could lead to Otsutsuki history repeating itself in a dangerous way
- Kawaki's claim from Boruto's opening flashforward could be the result of a second Omnipotence use
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