The Circus of Nightmare anime film was a major highlight of the 1990s and has since become a cult classic. Hiroshi Harada, best known for animated works such as the Humanoid Monster Bem series, Folktales from Japan, and others, directed the anime film by Mippei Eiga Kiryukan.
The anime film is set in 20th-century Japan and follows the sinister exploits away from the applause and smiles of the crowd behind the brightly colored curtains and lavish performances of the neighborhood freak show. The show depicts the crimes committed while the circus camps are in session. However, as simple as the story appears, some wonder why the film was banned worldwide.
Due to physical and child abuse, the Circus of Nightmare anime film was outlawed
Based on Shojo Tsubaki's manga, the Circus of Nightmare anime film was released on May 2, 1992, and had a runtime of 47–50 minutes. When the anime film was released, it only received a rating of 4.7 on MyAnimeList and a 6.5 on IMDB. Now, many people wonder how it could perform so poorly and be banned everywhere.
One could argue that there were several reasons for the ban. But the major reasons why the Circus of Nightmare anime film was criticized was because of its excessive use of physical and psychological harm, as well as se*ual abuse against children, people, and small animals. One of the examples of such scenes is when Midori finds her mother being eaten by rats and mice when she returns home after selling flowers to raise money for her.
This is one of the numerous ero guro scenes in the Circus of Nightmare anime movie. Furthermore, even though the anime film's offensive language was muted on the audio track, there was still optical censorship of violence, se*ual assault, and nudity.
Since the plot included all of these elements, no potential sponsors or studios were interested in funding the anime movie, so Hiroshi Harada was forced to complete nearly all of the work himself, including writing the screenplay and creating the storyboards, which took five years.
Once the movie was released, though, everything was for naught. There are additional reasons why the movie was banned internationally in addition to the aforementioned reasons. It might be argued that the prevalence of child abuse and anime abuse laws that are almost universally present makes it more difficult for the film to have its world premiere.
In summation
The Circus of Nightmare anime film can be described as the most gruesome, violent anime film ever produced. It should be noted, however, that the anime movie also depicts the grim reality of what can occur behind closed doors in a circus.
Since the movie had no sponsors, it was more difficult to produce. However, because Director Harada had personally experienced bullying in school, he wanted to bring attention to this form of child abuse and show his support for the victims.
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