Darling in the Franxx anime was widely anticipated and hailed as one of the standout anime releases of 2018. The series boasted a captivating blend of mecha action and emotionally driven romantic drama, drawing the attention of both fans and critics alike.
However, as the series unfolded, it unfortunately began to lose its initial allure and faced significant backlash, primarily stemming from its controversial ending.
This turn of events generated extensive discussion and debate among viewers, prompting a closer examination of the perceived shortcomings that led to the diminishing reputation of Darling in the Franxx.
Disclaimer: The viewpoints expressed in this article are based purely on subjective opinions from fans and the author.
Darling in the Franxx anime – A few episodes in and the series loses some of its earlier momentum

Initially, the series captivated audiences with its unique sci-fi elements, intriguing mystery, and the deep interpersonal connections of the main cast. However, the excitement surrounding the series began to decline after the first 15 episodes.
The emotional drama between the lead characters, Hiro and Zero Two, reached its peak in episode 15, and subsequent episodes failed to surpass this level of emotional depth.
One of the main issues that turned off fans was the repetitive nature of Hiro and Zero Two's separation and reunion storyline in the final episodes. While the series initially showcased compelling relationship dynamics, the drama became stale and lacked originality. The developments in the relationships among the rest of the cast were either uninteresting or shallow, further diminishing the overall impact.
The introduction of aliens as a sudden plot twist in the final episodes felt out of place and disconnected from the series' overarching themes. While such twists might have worked in action-oriented anime, they felt forced in Darling in the Franxx, leaving many viewers perplexed and unsatisfied.
Additionally, the design of the ultimate mecha, Strelizia True Apus, was inconsistent with the hard sci-fi setting, distancing the series from its intended genre.
Fans of the anime believe that it would have been improved if it had followed a similar path

Darling in the Franxx initially incorporated homages to other sci-fi anime, such as Gurren Lagann and Neon Genesis Evangelion. However, it eventually became apparent that these homages lacked the nuance and deeper understanding of what made the original series resonate with fans.
This reliance on derivative references without introducing fresh ideas contributed to a sense of disappointment and unoriginality.
The lack of main character deaths and the subsequent reincarnation of Hiro and Zero Two contradicted the expectations of a hard sci-fi series. Viewers felt that the stakes were not adequately matched and that the potential for true sacrifice was underutilized.
This oversight detracted from the overall impact and made the climax feel hollow. Additionally, the rushed yet slow ending, covering several years in just a couple of episodes, left viewers feeling disconnected from the story and characters they had invested in.
Interestingly, the manga adaptation of Darling in the Franxx offered a more satisfying conclusion. Ending closer to the emotional peak of the series, the manga delivered a more streamlined and coherent story. As a result, many fans believe that the anime would have been stronger if it had followed a similar path.
Darling in the Franxx went from being a highly anticipated anime to a disappointment for many viewers. The decline of excitement, repetitive relationship drama, unconvincing plot twists, derivative homages, flaws in character development, and disconnecting endings all contributed to its status as a "bad" anime.
However, for those who still want to explore Darling in the Franxx, it is advisable to stop watching around episode 15 or consider reading the manga for a potentially more satisfying ending.