One of the most impactful and heartbreaking scenes in the Attack on Titan series occurs when Eren Yeager's mother, Carla Yeager tragically loses her life. Eren's involvement in the death of his mother marks a turning point in the Attack on Titan storyline.
As the Attack on Titan finale unfolds, it is revealed that Eren played a part in causing Dina Fritz, better known as the Smiling Titan, to inadvertently stumble upon Carla Jaeger, ultimately leading to her demise. This event significantly shapes Eren's character development, which drives the narrative forward.
Attack on Titan finale: Eren Yeager caused Dina Fritz to kill Carla Yeager, his own mother
The idea of Eren killing his mother may be difficult to comprehend and seems out of character for him but it serves a deeper purpose in the story. The manga and anime explore the theme of sacrifice and the burden of responsibility when faced with difficult circumstances. Eren's choice to end his mother's life is driven by his desire to protect humanity and seek revenge against the Titans that have plagued their world.
Eren's ultimate plan was to eradicate all of humanity beyond Paradis Island. He believed that taking such a step would save the remaining population and ensure their future. In this context, Eren viewed his mother's death as a necessary sacrifice in order to achieve his goal. By allowing the Titan responsible for her demise to survive, he ensured that Armin would inherit the power of the Titans and fight for humanity.
Attack on Titan finale: The implications of Eren's actions
Eren's decision to take his mother's life carries significant narrative implications that reverberate throughout the series. It introduces a sense of complexity and challenges the conventional notions of heroism. By not presenting a simple story of good versus evil, Attack on Titan delves into the intricacies of human nature and the sacrifices made in the pursuit of survival.
With this act, Eren's character gains layers as it showcases the conflict and darkness within him. It emphasizes that even protagonists can engage in morally debatable actions for a greater cause, no matter how dubious the said greater cause itself is. This moral ambiguity blurs the boundaries between right and wrong, compelling viewers to scrutinize their own ethical judgments.
Furthermore, Eren's act of killing his mother adds tension and conflict to the story. It establishes themes such as loss and highlights the consequences of war. The emotional impact resonates with the audience, fostering empathy and investment in the character's journeys. Although, by that point the audience has become somewhat desensitised to Eren's manipulations, it still causes a significant shock.
Final thoughts
The reason why Eren kills his mother in Attack on Titan is rooted in his strong desire to protect humanity and ensure its survival. This act of sacrifice shapes the plot of the series, introducing ambiguity and challenging traditional ideas of heroism.
By delving into the complexities of nature and the sacrifices made during difficult times, the series provides a thought-provoking and emotionally charged narrative. Eren's choice to take his mother's life highlights the impact of war and the tough decisions that individuals face in dire situations.