The craze around Takeru Hokazono's Kagurabachi shonen manga has been fever pitch, leading several fans to speculate whether there will be a Kagurabachi anime in the near future. Following its debut in the #42 issue of the Weekly Shonen Jump, Takeru Hokazono's manga has seen astronomical success.
With just three chapters released officially, Kagurabachi has already joined One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen as one of the top three most popular shonen manga series according to MangaPlus' hottest section. Many fans have hailed Takeru Hokazono's manga as the next big thing in the manga industry.
Considering the immense popularity the manga has gained, numerous fans are already looking forward to the Kagurabachi anime adaptation. However, with just three chapters published so far, it might be a while before Takeru Hokazono's manga gets animated. Additionally, there are plenty of other factors to consider before the manga receives the green light for the adaptation.
There are not enough chapters available at the moment for the Kagurabachi anime adaptation
While Takeru Hokazono's Kagurabachi manga has reached the zenith of popularity, fans have to wait for a long time before it actually gets an anime adaptation. As of writing, Kagurabachi has only three official chapters available, making it impossible for any animation studio to work on the much-desired Kagurabachi anime.
To make a full-fledged anime, an animation studio would require at least 25-30 or more chapters for a single cour. Additionally, the possibility of Kagurabachi anime largely depends on manga sales in Japan. If the first volume sells well, then there's a definite chance that the series might get a green light for the anime adaptation.
That said, fans would know that much of Kagurabachi's popularity has largely been because of the abundance of memes. Minus the memes, the series has yet to solidify its position in the manga industry. However, it's also undeniable that Takeru Hokazono has presented an interesting premise and shown promise with his manga.
Compared to the other two manga series from Shueisha's JUMP NEXTWAVE (Mamayuyu and Two On Ice), Takeru Hokazono's Kagurabachi has seen more craze and hype. Undoubtedly, as a battle shonen manga, Kagurabachi has all the ingredients needed to become the next big thing in the industry.
Takeru-san's manga has it all, from a solid-looking protagonist with captivating powers to an interesting premise. As such, Kagurabachi manga might become a profitable title in the future, evade the dreaded axe from Shueisha, and eventually get an anime adaptation.
Fortunately, Hokazono's manga series has been met with a sound reception from the Japanese audience so far, which is excellent for the possibility of Kagurabachi anime. If the manga does well, a renowned animation studio, such as MAPPA, Bones, or even Ufotable, could pick it up and work on the anime adaptation.
Several fans have already started sharing memes on social media about the Kagurabachi anime. For example, some ardent fans of the series have posted fan-made videos of the Kagurabachi protagonist in animated form. With only three chapters listed next to its name, it only goes to show how much craze the series has generated.
That said, the manga needs time before it receives the green light for the anime adaptation. If Takeru Hokazono's manga continues to impress its fans and generate sound revenue for Shueisha, the series might get an anime somewhere around 2025 or 2026. However, this is only speculation at this point without any concrete evidence.
Keep up with more anime news and manga updates as 2023 progresses.