A unique anime that isn't like other "shonen" anime, Fruits Basket has captured the attention of fans worldwide. Natsuki Takaya wrote and illustrated this Japanese series that tells the story of Tohru Honda, an orphan girl who stumbles upon a life-changing secret. It turns out that 13 members of the Sohma family, like Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure, are cursed, and they can transform into animals from the Chinese zodiac.
Tohru gets immersed in their lives, and it gets intense really fast. She understands and feels all of their pain and struggles, and she has a heart of gold. She not only understands their hardships but also finds comfort and love in their emotional rollercoaster.
Fruits Basket anime is a shoujo manga with a rich and nuanced storyline. It is considered a timeless classic in the world of shoujo manga. The manga has gained a huge following. It has been adapted into two anime TV series, and the latest anime series was released in 2019.
Fruits Basket anime has a large cast of diverse and interesting characters
One key aspect that draws viewers to Fruits Basket is the depth of its characters. Each individual is crafted with care, exploring their pasts, emotions, and personal growth.
The series encompasses a range of feelings, skillfully blending moments of sadness with humor throughout different episodes and manga volumes. Such multifaceted storytelling keeps the audience engaged and connected to the characters' journeys.
Fruits Basket stands out with its unique art style, contributing to its appeal. The animation is visually enchanting, capturing the essence of the story and the emotions of its characters.
Moreover, the plot weaves together various elements like comedy, romance, madness, and happiness. These components make Fruits Basket a perfect blend of emotions, reminding viewers that life is a beautiful tapestry of experiences.
Creator Natsuki Takaya's careful planning of the plot is evident, as characters in Fruits Basket resonate strongly with audiences. The characters have endured terrible pasts, forming deep emotional connections with viewers.
The relationships depicted in the series evoke empathy and a desire for the characters to find happiness. This complexity makes the story more profound and leaves a lasting impact on viewers.
A well-crafted story of love, friendship, and hope
Fruits Basket anime does things differently compared to other modern otome and shoujo series. Unlike other anime, Fruits Basket doesn't rush things. It has a slow pace, so one can get to know the characters.
Out of all the characters, Yuki is the most diverse and complex in the series. Viewers can see multiple sides of him in just two episodes. He has that aloof school prince act going on, but there are these moments where he's all vulnerable and volatile, revealing his true self.
He shares a complicated relationship with Kyo. On the surface, they might look like your typical Red/Blue Oni duo, but their connection runs deep. Kyo craves validation, wanting to be recognized as a legit member of the Zodiac family. However, Yuki sees that position as nothing but isolated, like he doesn't belong.
The transformative effect of the Fruits Basket anime is a common thread among fans. Many confessed to watching the show because they identified with the pain experienced by certain characters.
As the series progresses, it inspires viewers to reflect on their own lives and consider personal growth. Watching the growth of characters like Tohru motivates individuals to aspire to become better versions of themselves.
Wrapping up
The increasing popularity of Fruits Basket can be attributed to its well-developed characters, engaging storyline, unique art style, and profound life lessons. Natsuki Takaya's dedication and careful planning shine through, creating a series that resonates deeply with audiences. Fruits Basket anime not only provides entertainment but also inspires self-reflection and personal growth.