Naruto Uzumaki, the central (and titular) figure of one of the Big Three series, holds a special place in the hearts of anime enthusiasts. His homeroom teacher, Iruka Ummino, serves as a pivotal character in his life. Kakashi Hatake, his later instructor, also plays a substantial role in shaping his character.
As such, the fanbase has always been divided on the question of which sensei had more influence on this hero's journey. This sparked discussions and debates to establish who truly serves as the impactful father figure in the young protagonist's life. This article aims to clarify why Iruka is more important in this regard.
A comparative analysis: Iruka vs. Kakashi’s significance in Naruto's story
While both mentors played crucial roles in shaping the protagonist, it's undeniably Iruka's influence that fundamentally defined the young ninja's character. Without Iruka, the story of the ninja society's hero wouldn't even have begun.
Naruto eventually accomplished his dream of becoming Konoha village’s seventh Hokage, but his journey was far from smooth. Losing his parents mere hours after birth and being burdened as the jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox, this protagonist faced rejection and fear from the majority of his fellow villagers.
Enduring a childhood marked by isolation, this future Hokage's life took a turn upon entering the academy. Forming connections with Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Kiba Inuzuka, he found some relief from loneliness. Nevertheless, the absence of familial love and care persisted, setting him apart from his friends and classmates.
Iruka Sensei, Naruto's instructor at the academy, stepped in to fill that void. Despite initially scolding the boy for his playful antics, Iruka ultimately became a pivotal figure in his life.
A crucial moment occurred when Iruka failed Naruto in his school graduation exam. Seizing this opportunity, Mizuki, another instructor at the academy and the first antagonist in the series, manipulated the boy.
Mizuki tricked the young ninja into stealing the Ninja Scroll of Sealing from the Hokage’s Residence, falsely claiming that by acquiring the scroll and mastering its techniques, he could graduate.
Iruka stopped Naruto in his immature attempt to flee with the scroll. However, Mizuki attacked them, revealing that as the Nine-Tails jinchuriki, the boy would never be accepted in the village.
Mizuki even attempted to kill the young ninja with his fuma shuriken, but Iruka stepped in to protect him, taking the hit himself. The latter declared that he never harbored any hatred towards the boy and has always considered him a fellow Konoha ninja.
This acceptance proved to be a turning point that guided him towards a brighter future. Although Iruka presented himself as the boy's older brother, in reality, he assumed a role more akin to a father figure. He not only steered the young ninja onto the right path but also embraced him for who he is.
Moreover, Iruka shared his own past, revealing the parallels in their childhoods, and apologized for not being there for him more. This revelation marked a significant moment for Naruto, as he could relate to someone for the first time.
Before the beginning of the Fourth Great Shinobi War, when Naruto was undergoing training with Killer Bee, a conversation between Iruka and the Eight Tails' jinchuriki served as a testament to Iruka's profound impact in shaping this future Hokage.
In The Last: Naruto the Movie, the protagonist himself requested Iruka to attend his wedding in the role of his father.
Kakashi Hatake, the mentor of Team 7, played a significant role in the life of this shonen protagonist. Kakashi had greatly impacted not only Konoha's jinchuriki, but also the other two members, Sakura and Sasuke.
While Kakashi is undoubtedly an important figure in their lives, Naruto's connection with him doesn't resonate on the same level as with Iruka. Kakashi Hatake serves as an exceptional mentor. Nevertheless, he cannot replace Iruka, the first person to ever accept the future seventh Hokage.