Naruto introduces a vast array of characters with unique abilities that each add another layer to its world. Kakuzu, an Akatsuki member, stands out due to extraordinary longevity and resilience. His supposed immortality has been the subject of great intrigue throughout the story, making him an indestructible foe when it comes to battling. But why is Kakuzu immortal?
Kakuzu derives his immortality from the Earth Grudge Fear Forbidden Jutsu, by using hearts to steal and integrate from other living beings. Using these extra hearts, he can replace his own if damaged so that theoretically, he can live until destroyed. It also allows him to use threads for regeneration, making a pretty powerful opponent to defeat in battle.
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Kakuzu's immortality, explained
Kakuzu's immortality in Naruto is owed to the Forbidden Jutsu, Earth Grudge Fear, which alters his body to such an extent that death is virtually impossible. Using this technique, Kakuzu can live eternally as he can draw other people's hearts out and integrate them into his body to replace those that become damaged and dysfunctional over time.
He achieves unparalleled survivability since multiple hearts functioning at once will be operating as separate life sources; if he loses at least one heart, Kakuzu can still survive until his primary body incurs enough fatal injuries.
The process begins by removing hearts from living people by using the threads created by his jutsu. After these hearts are installed, they become part of him; they circulate chakra and life force and help him live.
This lets him recover from injuries that would otherwise be fatal to an ordinary person. By having multiple hearts, Kakuzu ensures that at least one remains intact and keeps him alive, even if the others are destroyed.
However, this immortality is coupled with its moral and physical prices. The more hearts he receives, the more people die to compensate for his new heart, reflecting how merciless and irresponsible he is. His immortality cannot be completely absolute since he can die if all of these hearts are lost, as seen in his battle with Naruto and the allied army.
Kakuzu's other powers and abilities in Naruto
Kakuzu possesses a range of abilities that make him a dangerous and versatile combatant in Naruto. Apart from incredible physical strength, the most distinguishable ability he possesses is close-range combat with high strength and precision, mainly due to the energy flowing through his body. His body has been altered to provide him with greater resistance and life, such as most aspects concerning physical strength.
Apart from his physical might, Kakuzu demonstrates amazing rationality and strategic thinking. Being a veteran shinobi who has lived for hundreds of years, Kakuzu provides insight into his opponents' weaknesses with regard to his combat experience. He is very versatile in battle because his expertise in ninjutsu has its matches with sheer powerful techniques.
His ability to detach and use parts of his body with great precision helps to adapt effectively in combat situations. These skills combined with a tactical mind ensure that Kakuzu continues to pose a huge threat whether fighting alone or with other Akatsuki members.
Final thoughts
Why is Kakuzu immortal in Naruto? The Earth Grudge Fear, a Forbidden Jutsu, lets him steal and assimilate hearts from other people and replace them in case of damaged hearts. By possessing multiple functioning hearts, Kakuzu's survivability is unmatched, making him virtually impossible to kill under ordinary circumstances.
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