Set in a world filled with demons, Demon Slayer is about a young boy who lost his family to these vicious creatures. This anime and manga series written and illustrated by Koyoharu Gotouge is one of the most popular shonen series at the moment.
Ever since the release of Demon Slayer, fans have wondered why the leader of the Demon Slayer Corps is blind. The reason behind it was revealed much later in the story, nearly towards the end. It was quite shocking but fans loved Kagaya all the more for it. The extent of his sacrifices was truly remarkable.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the Demon Slayer series.
Demon Slayer: Kagaya's blindness stems from his family's relation to the Demon King
The Ubuyashiki family has long acted as the head of the Demon Slayer Corps. However, every male in their family, like Kagaya, suffers from an illness that doesn't allow them to live past 30. This illness stems from a curse on their family that was inflicted on them for being blood relatives of Muzan Kibutsuji.
Kagaya Ubuyashiki made his first appearance in season 1 when Nezuko and Tanjiro were brought in to meet the Hashiras and the leader of the Corps. Fans were quite intrigued as the upper portion of the character’s face looked like it was burnt. The reason for his face being burnt or rotten is later revealed in the manga.
Even though he didn't possess great physical strength like the Hashiras, he commanded utmost loyalty from all members of the Corps. He was also a benevolent leader and loved everyone like his children. Kagaya was the stark opposite of Muzan as a leader; he was calm, supportive, and caring of each member. He even went as far as to remember the name of every Corps member and visit the deceased's graves regularly despite his failing health.
Kagaya possessed heightened senses due to his blindness and could ascertain the presence of humans and demons alike and their strengths. Like others of his family, he also had the gift of foresight that had helped the Corps to survive for a thousand years. He used this gift to make critical decisions and create chaos among the ranks of the Twelve Kizuki.
However, what kept him going was his burning hatred for Muzan. He went to great lengths to lure him out of hiding and even sacrificed himself and his family. His death played a major role in motivating the Hashiras and the whole Corps to give their all to finish Muzan.
Also read: Demon Slayer Infinity Castle arc movie trilogy officially announced
Final thoughts
Kagaya Ubuyashiki's blindness resulted from a curse on his bloodline because of their relationship with Muzan. Despite his weakness, he stood firm as a pillar for the Demon Slayer Corps and made them capable of taking on the Demon King. He even sacrificed his wife and children to bring his plans to fruition.
Kagaya was exemplary in his role as the leader and everyone rightfully respected him for it. Fans of the series had loved him from the beginning for his calm yet shrewd personality. His efforts played a major role in bringing an end to the tyranny of Muzan.
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