While My Wife Has No Emotion anime only began premiering its episodes in July 2024, the anime has already concluded with 12 episodes. The anime's finale saw Takuma, Mina, and Mamoru move to a new residence. Hence, fans may be looking forward to the possible release of My Wife Has No Emotion season 2.
Unfortunately, neither the anime nor its production company Tezuka Productions has confirmed a sequel season for the anime. So, why does My Wife Has No Emotion anime deserve a second season? Were there any hints that suggested the possibility of a second season?
My Wife Has No Emotion season 2: Will the series return with a second season?
While the anime's production company, Tezuka Productions, has yet to announce a second season for My Wife Has No Emotion anime, following its finale, it is very likely that the anime will receive a sequel season.
This is because the anime did not have a conclusive end. The anime's ending was indeed very different from the manga's developments. However, the studio had done this so that the adaptation could end with a reasonable story development for its first season.
As for the sequel season, Takuma could be seen stating that the Kosugi family's move to the new place was only a new beginning in his life. This indicated that the anime's staff was open to working on a second season, which is why they ended the anime with an open ending. This move would essentially help them resume the anime seamlessly if a sequel season was greenlit.
As for source material, the manga has released 53 chapters till now. Considering that the anime's first season adapted 25 chapters, it is easy to presume that a possible second season would also adapt a similar number of chapters. Therefore, one can say with certainty that Tezuka Productions has enough source material to adapt a second season.
The only problem right now is the serialization of the manga's future chapters. Currently, My Wife Has No Emotion manga has gone on an indefinite hiatus due to the stressful personal life situation of manga author Jirou Sugiura. If the creator resumes working on the manga soon enough, fans could expect the anime to be greenlit for a second season.
Even if one were to inspect the ratings for My Wife Has No Emotion anime, the series has done reasonably well. Out of all the anime produced by Tezuka Productions, My Wife Has No Emotion has surpassed several popular series, including the likes of recent anime like Girlfriend, Girlfriend and How Not to Summon a Demon Lord.
It is true that the animation studio has only produced one season each from both anime. However, that just proves that even if the company were to not animate the series' sequel season, they could transfer their rights to some other studio, just like they transferred their rights to produce Girlfriend, Girlfriend to SynergySP.
Hence, unlike other animation studios that like to hold onto their rights even if they aren't using them, Tezuka Productions is expected to make sure that some other studio caters to the fanbase's demands for a sequel season.
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