The anime adaptation of Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion is set to release on April 20, 2023. The adaptation of Milcha and Whale's famous manhwa, based on the former's light novel, has caused a stir among fans of the series. The hype is even higher now that the artist SERRA has been revealed to perform the ending theme song.
This isekai fantasy story follows the narrative of Eunha Park, a high school girl, and has strong themes involving the concept of choice and death. Junichi Yamamoto is set to direct the anime series, which is being produced by Typhoon Graphics.
Junichi Suwabe will be voicing Siatrich Newreal Chamos in Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion
The cast and crew
The series will be edited by Ichiro Chaen, while Haruna Hashimoto is charged with character design. Kenji Kato, Yasunori Ebina, and Yuzuru Funakoshi are set to be the directors of art, sound, and photography, respectively. Moreover, Keiji Inai is set to be in charge of the music of this shoujo anime.
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion will have its props designed by Kio Edamatsu. Meanwhile, Chieko Hibi is responsible for the color design, and Mitsutaka Hirota has been assigned to look over the music composition. The series has several well-known voice actors lending their talents to this exciting romance-shoujo project.
While Yuichiro Umehara is set to be Noah Voltaire Wynknight, Yume Miyamoto will be Raeliana McMillan and Rinko Hanasaki. On the other hand, Akira Ishida is set to play the role of Heika Demint, with Junichi Suwabe as the voice actor for Siatrich Newreal Chamos and Shūichirō Umeda for Adam Taylor. Shunichi Toki, Tomokazu Sugita, and Yumika Yano are set to perform the roles of Keith Westernberg, Justin Shamal, and Vivian Shamal, respectively.
The plot of Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion tells the tale of Rinko, a character who dies mysteriously and then reincarnates as Raeliana. Rinko is reborn as the Macmillan family's daughter (one of the famous dukes of the country) and quickly realizes that Raelian was murdered by her fiance "Brooks." The latter thus constantly attempts to call off the wedding to Brooks in order to live.
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion sets off a series of trials and tribulations. Raeliana contacts Duke Noah, the most important person ranked first in a line of succession to the throne, in a desperate attempt to call off the engagement. She offers to act as Noah's fiancé for six months, but fans are left wondering whether her plan will work or if she has to overcome additional obstacles.
Some fans are comparing Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion to My Next Life as a Villainess, owing to the similarity between plot lines. If waiting for the isekai anime to air feels too long, one can also read the manhwa, the English version of which is published by Yenn Press.