In the world of Bleach, the Shiba Clan, the fifth noble house of the Soul Society, lost its influential status due to a series of unfortunate events, culminating in the establishment of the Four Great Noble Families of Soul Society.
Following the death of their leader Kaien Shiba, the former lieutenant of the Gotei 13, the Shiba Clan witnessed a decline in its authority. Kaien met his tragic demise in a battle at the hands of Hollow Grand Fisher, causing the mantle of leadership to pass onto his sister Kūkaku Shiba.
Additionally, Isshin Shiba, the head of a branch of the Shiba Clan, was exiled from the Soul Society for using forbidden Kidō techniques in an attempt to seal Hollow Fisher away, thereby further weakening the Shiba Clan.
Explaining why Shiba Clan lost their status in Bleach
In Bleach, the Shiba Clan has encountered a series of unfortunate events, such as the loss of heirs and the exile of its leaders, leading to a rapid decline in the status of the clan and its importance as a great noble house, consequently allowing clans such as the Shihōin Clan and the Kuchiki Clan to gain more prominence.
The Shiba Clan started losing its authority following the death of their leader Kaien Shiba at the hands of Grand Fisher, a Hollow that eluded the Shinigami for 54 long years. Kaien's death came as a huge blow to the Shiba Clan as he was one of the most prominent members of the clan and a highly skilled shinigami.
Kaien was succeeded by his sister Kūkaku Shiba. However, the clan faced further adversity as Isshin Shiba, leader of a branch of the clan, was punished and exiled from the Soul Society for trying to utilize forbidden Kidō techniques to seal Grand Fisher away.
Isshin Shiba is the former captain of the 10th Division of Gotei 13 making him an extremely skilled shinigami. Thus, it is understandable how the Shiba Clan might have gone into decline seeing that they lost two members of the clan who were in high ranks in the Gotei 13.
Isshin later proceeded to marry Masaki Kurosaki and become the father of three children: Ichigo Kurosaki, Karin Kurosaki, and Yuzu Kurosaki. This makes Ichigo related to the Shiba Clan and all he did to save the Soul Society stands as proof that members of the Shiba Clan possess strong will and fighting spirit.
Fans find it peculiar that while other Great Noble families in Bleach have also lost some of their prominent members, they did not suffer the loss of their noble status as the Shiba Clan did. This suggests that members of the Shiba Clan might not be as concerned about their status.
Although the Shiba Clan's legacy and influence may have suffered, their spirit and resilience endure in their descendants. The clan specializes in fireworks and was involved in the original sin committed millions of years ago.
This makes the Shiba Clan an integral part of the Soul Society, ensuring they will always be remembered. Currently, Kūkaku and Ganju are important members of their family, carrying on the legacy of the Shiba name.