Shinobu is one of the most popular characters in the Demon Slayer series, and she is also the Flower Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps. Fans have noticed specific details about her and want to understand a little more about her Nichirin Blade.
Before we dive into the topic, it is very important for us to understand what a Nichirin Blade is in the first place. This article will explore Nichirin Blades, Shinobu’s weapon, and explain the sword's design and its effectiveness.
Demon Slayer: Looking into the design of Shinobu’s sword
Nichirin Blades are unique swords/weapons made from Scarlet Iron Ore. The steel extracted from this ore is exposed to the sun for a certain amount of time, which aids in killing demons. This is the only weapon capable of killing a demon after decapitating it.
Most Nichirin Blades in Demon Slayer are Katanas. These are Japanese swords typically created with three different types of steel. These are fused together, and due to the difference in properties, the blade develops a natural curvature. The end product is a blade with flexibility on the blunt edge to absorb the impact while the cutting edge is hard. Many fans consider this sword to be one of the most beautiful ones that have been made so far.
That being said, Shinobu’s sword isn’t really broken. The design of her sword is such that the blade is relatively thin and has a pointed tip that is exceptionally sharp. Shinobu’s raw strength is quite low, and she doesn’t have the strength to decapitate the head of a demon.
This design remotely resembles a Rapier. The handle and the hilt is very similar to that of a Katana, but the shape of the blade itself resembles a Rapier. These swords were quite popular in Europe and were used as weapons for self-defense and dueling.
These swords were designed in such a manner that the user would use thrusting motions to stab the opponent instead of slicing them. Stabbing a demon is pretty much useless since it won’t kill it, and their regeneration rate will allow them to heal before the next strike.

The Flower Hashira of the Demon Slayer Corps has adapted to a way of fighting that utilizes the sword’s design.
Shinobu laces the tip of the sword with poison that is highly potent. This poison is crafted using numerous ingredients, but the main ingredient is the wisteria plant. The extracts are quite dangerous for demons and are used in creating this poison. This is why Shinobu’s sword is designed in that particular manner.