Wild Strawberry manga started serialization on July 14, 2023, marking the debut work of talented writer and illustrator Yonemoto Ire. Despite its recent inception, this series has swiftly become the talk of the anime and manga communities, generating immense buzz since its debut. With just nine chapters released so far, it has already garnered a substantial fan following.
Notably, Wild Strawberry is the first manga by Ire, making it a significant milestone in their career. While physical copies are not yet available, enthusiasts can dive into this captivating story on select online platforms.
Disclaimer: This article contains minor spoilers for the Wild Strawberry manga.
Wild Strawberry manga: Where to read?
Wild Strawberry by Yonemoto Ire had been making rounds around the anime and manga community for quite some time. Currently, it only has nine chapters out, with chapter 10 scheduled for November 2, 2023. Fans of the Wild Strawberry manga can read the latest chapters on online platforms like VIZ Media's official website or Shueisha's MANGAPlus platform.
Physical or digital volumes are currently not available for purchase on Amazon or any other platform. However, that might change in the future as more chapters come out. VIZ Media's official website and Shueisha's MANGAPlus give fans access to the latest chapters translated into English.
What to expect from the Wild Strawberry manga?
Wild Strawberry is a tense, engaging manga set in a future Tokyo where plants have changed into parasites, turning people into beast-like beings known as Jinka. The plot revolves around the main character, Kayano, who turns into a Jinka after a parasite plant attacks her. Her brother, Kingo, struggles to save her from the Flower Funeral Force, a hostile group that hunts Jinka and those who assist them.
The story unfolds with Kayano and Kingo residing in a tiny apartment, constantly at risk of Jinka attacks. Suddenly, the Funeral Forces attack Kayano, and she loses control. Kingo springs into action to rescue her but finds that time isn't on his side. Kingo ends up getting shot and almost dies for hiding a Jinka, Kayano.
But Kayano saves Kingo by merging with him and becoming a parasite with Kingo's body as a host. Kingo later finds out about Mother Jinka, the source of all Jinka, and solidifies his resolve to revert Kayano to her human self.
Along the way, he makes a few allies from the Funeral Forces that have specialized weapons made from other Jinka themselves. Some fans have expressed their distaste regarding the manga's similarities to Chainsaw Man, Jigokuraku, as Tokyo Ghoul.
But Wild Strawberry might become one of the series that fill that void that will be left by the soon-approaching end of Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and My Hero Academia.
Final thoughts
While the Wild Strawberry manga might remind fans of different well-known series, it has a unique story and powerful characters that distinguish it. Wild Strawberry is shaping up to be a strong replacement for beloved series like Jujutsu Kaisen, Chainsaw Man, and My Hero Academia. The Jinka's concept around plants and their different adaptations actually pave the foundation for a unique power system.