Naoki Urasawa's 20th Century Boys manga presents a captivating tale of childhood friendships, mysterious prophecies, and a huge conspiracy, that has captivated readers worldwide since its debut in 1999. Even though the manga has been loved by anime enthusiasts around the world and has garnered a dedicated fanbase, there isn't an anime adaptation of the series yet. This has left fans hoping to see this popular story as an anime.
The years are rolling by, and one question continues to haunt fans - will there be a 20th Century Boys anime? Even though there have been three live-action films following the manga, fans believe three films aren't enough to fully depict the 22-volume manga series.
Will 20th Century Boys manga get an anime adaptation?
It's surprising to learn that 20th Century Boys, a manga series authored by Naoki Urasawa, has not yet been adapted into an anime, even though a large number of people regard it as one of the best manga ever written.
Nonetheless, three live-action films have been made based on the series. An anime adaptation of a manga apparently only happens when the manga is popular with readers, and 20th Century Boys has clearly achieved incredible success. A year after it ended, in 2008, the manga had sold 36 million copies worldwide overall.
Aside from being well-liked by the public, it also took home multiple honors, such as the 2002 Excellence Prize, the 2004 Angoulême International Comics Festival Prize, the Shogakukan Manga Award in the General category, and many more. The manga went on to win the Eisner Award twice, in 2011 and 2013, for Best U.S. Edition of International Material in the Asia category.
Furthermore, despite the fact that the manga is currently not serialized, it is reasonable to assume that the anime adaptation of 20th Century Boys can happen soon, given the popularity of Pluto and the success of Monster.
However, the possibility of the anime adaptation of the series is still shrouded in mystery, as there are no official announcements or news that can clear the scenario about the arrival of this anime adaptation.
Plot of 20th Century Boys
In 1969, a group of friends from Japan came together and created a secret hideout where they could hang out and have fun. They drew a symbol that could signify the strength of their bond and friendship and even had this idea of writing down a story, in what they called the "Book of Prophecy," where evil forces try to bring chaos to the world.
Years later, a mysterious cult known as "Friend" emerges and, strangely enough, their symbol bears an uncanny resemblance to the one the group of friends drew during their childhood adventures. On top of that, a dangerous virus is unleashed upon society, causing people to lose blood uncontrollably.
Kenji, who was part of the original group of friends, starts suspecting that Friend might be behind all these occurrences and wonders if their Book of Prophecy could actually be predicting the future. Fueled by curiosity and concern for humanity's well being, Kenji sets off on a journey to uncover the truth behind Friends' plans and put an end to them once and for all.
Final thoughts
While no official announcement has been made so far regarding an anime adaptation of the beloved 20th Century Boys manga series, the possibility of its arrival remains open.
Considering the popularity of this series and other anime adaptations of Naoki Urasawa's notable works, the chance of an anime adaptation is still strong. Despite a handful of factors, fan demand will play a crucial role in the potential arrival of the 20th Century Boys anime.