A brand-new series titled Pokemon Pocket Masters was recently announced, promising a new direction for the iconic anime franchise. However, the fact that Ash Ketchum, the protagonist that fans have seen for 25 years, and Pikachu will no longer play a significant role in the plot may not be good news for many.
Ash's departure has been widely anticipated since he claimed the title of the world's greatest Pokemon trainer in the Masters Eight Tournament by defeating Leon. Many were brought to tears by this surprising victory, especially those who had grown up watching and supporting him.
Ash and Pikachu have been through a lot, but for the sake of the story, letting them go at this point seems like the appropriate thing to do, although it is also heartbreaking. Even if Pokemon Ultimate Journeys is coming to an end, there is some positive news.
Ash’s Departure and the arrival of two new protagonists in Pokemon Pocket Masters
A new Pokemon series
After all these years, Ash's journey may be coming to an end, but Pokemon will still continue. Pokemon Pocket Masters, which will premiere in April 2023, will feature a new duo in the lead roles. As fans have already guessed, Liko and Roy will begin their adventure with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet starter pocket monsters.
Fans will get to see Sprigatito, Fuecoco, and Quaxly. The extremely short teaser also clarified that this series will feature the Legendary Pokemon Rayquaza in its Shiny form. The Paldea region will most likely serve as the setting for this tale.
Many fans expected Pokemon to follow Goh when they retired Ash, but it seems the creators had something entirely different in mind. Because his motivation was so clearly different, Goh was naturally expected to be in the following series and even appreciated by many Pokemon Journeys viewers. Unlike Ash, who wanted to be the finest Pokemon trainer, he wanted to catch every Pokemon. This would have resulted in new kinds of adventures.
The idea of having two new protagonists sounds intriguing, but fans will have to wait and see how things play out in Pokemon Pocket Masters.
New special episodes featuring Ash
Pokemon Ultimate Journeys will air eleven special episodes in January 2023 to conclude the current series and commemorate Ash and Pikachu's 25-year-long journey.
According to the official press release, the episodes will give viewers a glimpse into the future of the world's best Pokemon trainer as well as explain what it means to be a Pokemon master. Fans will also see some of their favorite Pokemon and characters, such as Misty and Brock.
In contrast to dragging Ash's story, a final tribute to mark the departure of one of the most famous anime characters with Pokemon Pocket Masters is surely the best course of action.