Attack on Titan, a dark fantasy anime television series created by Hajime Isayama, is widely regarded as one of the best anime ever created. The show, which spans nine arcs and has received scores of 8.5 out of 10 on MyAnimeList and 9 out of 10 on IMDb, has arguably become one of the most popular anime franchises following the big three.
Attack on Titan's first season was released in 2013, and the most recent season 4 part 3 special 1, was released on March 4, 2023. However, as the anime series nears its conclusion, there has been much speculation about whether the finale of Attack on Titan season 4 will be a movie or not. Many believe that it will be a film, while others do not.
Disclaimer: This article contains minor spoilers from the Attack on Titan series.
The Attack on Titan season 4 finale unlikely to get a film
Taking into account the release of the special's episode 1, this is unlikely to take place due to the manga's impending conclusion. To put things into perspective, the first 16 episodes of AOT season 4 were adapted from chapters 91 to 116 of the manga, whilst part 2 of season 4 was made up of 12 episodes, which covered chapters 117–130. Lastly, season 4 part 3 special 1 was adapted from chapters 131 to 134.
As a result, there are now only five chapters in the manga left, from chapters 135 to 139. Given the pace of the previous episodes, season 4's finale is expected to last 1 hour and 30 minutes, as the first special episode lasted an hour with four chapters covered.
Additionally, AOT's final season part 3 special 2 will air on NHK in the autumn of 2023, according to Anime Japan 2023. Many fans felt that there should have been a movie instead of waiting such a long time between the releases of the season 4 special episodes—one was released in March and another is planned for the fall.
However, AOT has been linked not only to getting a film but also to a sequel. Earlier this month, there was speculation that the final season's part 3 would be followed by a mini-sequel. The source further claimed that the fourth and final episode of Attack on Titan will concentrate on what happened after the main story was finished.
However, as of now, nothing specific has been said about the AOT season 4 finale other than the fact that it will air on NHK and be released in the autumn. As a result, it is unlikely that the AOT season 4 finale will get a film.
What can be expected from Attack on Titan's season 4 finale?
The Attack on Titan season 4 finale will reveal who will win the war now that Eren launched it against the world in the previous episode. Also, many will be able to learn more about the dream Falco had after ingesting Zeke's spinal fluid. The final episode will also show how Mikasa and Eren's other friends—those who were collated with Marleys—would fight Eren.
Additionally, the level of destruction brought on by Rumbling suggests that the balance of power in the world will have significantly changed after the final battle. With that, we will also get to see what happens to Historia, who was the one carrying the child in the previous episode.
Stay tuned for more anime and manga updates as 2023 progresses.