Following the anime’s conclusion earlier this month, fans are now mourning what seems to be the ultimate death of the series and franchise overall, with no Attack on Titan sequel announced. Although there is an epilogue manga from series creator, author, and illustrator Hajime Isayama set to release, this likely won’t lead to regular serialization.
As a result, anime and manga fans alike are steeling themselves to face the reality that the world-famous franchise has ended regular production. However, this realistic outlook brings with it a small light of hope in the form of the final scenes of both the anime and manga series, which could eventually lead to an Attack on Titan sequel.
While nothing conclusive can be drawn from these scenes, the final moments of the series do see a young boy venture into Eren Yeager’s resting place, which is now a giant tree. With these scenes being very similar to Ymir Fritz’s first interaction with the “source of all living matter,” fans are questioning whether or not Isayama is at least opening the door for an Attack on Titan sequel.
Attack on Titan sequel may be possible, but series’ core themes and morals would make it unnecessary
Will there be a sequel? Explored
From a pure possibility standpoint, there obviously exists a chance that an Attack on Titan sequel could eventually see the light of day. This stems from the final scenes of the series and the parity they offer with Ymir Fritz first discovering the “source of all living matter.” Isayama is seemingly suggesting that, like Ymir, who found the power of the Titans so long ago, this young boy will discover the power by venturing into Eren Yeager’s gravesite.
Likewise, with this moment taking place what appears to be several centuries after Eren and co’s story ends, the sequel would be a completely new environment with new characters. Taking advantage of this large gap in time would at least generate initial interest in the series by nature of long-time fans looking to see what the world looks like so long after the original story.
The Attack on Titan sequel could also attract long-time fans by being heavily based around Eren’s legacy and how his actions are viewed so many centuries later. Whether treated as a legend or cemented as a fact of a world long forgotten, such a plot point could be extended throughout the entire sequel series as a means of keeping fans’ interest.
The sequel series could also reinvent the Titan powers, seeing Eren’s will for the world having changed their fundamental purposes and abilities. Likewise, the sequel gets yet another point of differentiation from the original anime series, further inspiring fans to try it. With all of this in mind, a continuation for the franchise certainly seems possible, and almost even plausible.
However, one major kneecap to the possibilities of an Attack on Titan sequel stems from the series’ core themes of the cycle of violence and hatred. The ending showcasing the young boy wandering into Eren’s grave can be interpreted as Isayama saying these cycles will never be broken. This can also be further supported by Paradis’ eventual fate centuries after Eren’s death.
With this in mind, a sequel series would essentially have its destination mapped out from the onset of the journey. Although the journey itself may be different, the ending would not play into these core themes, and this core message would be to oppose the original series’ conclusion. As a result, while a sequel is certainly possible, it seems unlikely given the inability to provide a unique and refreshing ending without opposing the original conclusion.
Be sure to keep up with all Attack on Titan manga news, as well as general anime, manga, film, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.