Rick and Morty, the American adult animated science-fiction sitcom created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon, has garnered a massive fan base in recent years. The TV show is about the Smith family, consisting of Jerry and Beth, their children Morty and Summer, and Beth's father, Rick. The latter is an alcoholic mad scientist who takes Morty on interdimensional adventures.
As the show gears up for its seventh season, news of a spin-off called Rick & Morty: The Anime, in partnership with Adult Swim and Telecom Animation Film, has sparked fresh interest in the franchise.
However, amidst all this excitement, some fans may be looking to catch up on season 6 of the original show.
Fans can stream season 6 of Rick and Morty on Netflix and Amazon Prime
Rick and Morty, the popular adult animated science fiction sitcom, returned with its sixth season on September 4, 2022, to the delight of fans. The new season premiered on Adult Swim, and it was released on DVD and standard Blu-ray formats on March 28, 2023, along with a SteelBook Blu-ray version for collectors.
Currently, fans can stream the show on various platforms, including Netflix and Amazon Prime.
Unfortunately, viewers in the United States eager to watch the latest season of Rick and Morty may have to exercise some patience when it comes to certain streaming platforms.
While the show has already been made available on HBO Max in some regions, in the United States there is a five-month waiting period before it becomes available. The same applies to Hulu, which is yet to feature the new season of the show.
Fortunately, fans can still access seasons 1-5 of Rick and Morty on Hulu. It may take some time before the latest season is added to the platform, but it is worth the wait. For instance, the series finale of season 5 aired on September 5, 2021, and it arrived on Hulu on February 6, 2022.
Similarly, season 6, episode 10 premiered on December 11, 2022, and it is expected to be released on Hulu around May 2023.
Hulu is a widely popular streaming service that offers a diverse collection of TV shows and movies to viewers. Including season 6 of Rick and Morty will be great news for fans who have been eagerly awaiting its return.
The new season has received excellent feedback from both reviewers and fans. This is also why many people on Twitter and other social media sites frequently demand that the streaming platform release the most recent season. Once the latest season arrives on the platform, fans may binge-watch the full season and experience the newest adventures of the quirky pair.