Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5, titled Raise the Starting Pistol, was released on August 11, 2024, at 4:30 pm JST on TBS and its affiliated channels in Japan. The episode saw Will Serfort team up with Colette and Sion to challenge Julius and other competitors at the Grand Magic Festival.
With combined efforts, Will easily rummaged through the obstacles. However, the boy faced a stiff challenge from Julius, who ambushed him with his ice magic. On the other hand, Sion challenged Will for a duel. Undoubtedly, Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 was a visual fest, with the mages displaying their skills on the biggest stage in front of a crowd.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5.
Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5: Sion joins Will Serfort and Colette's team for the Grand Magic Festival
Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 kicks off with principal Caldron commencing the Grand Magic Festival by reciting the founder, Mercedes' words of wisdom. She says a mage can become a pillar to bear up the sky and turn away the evil only if they "Train, compete, and master."
The contest begins with a sky race, where Lihanna showcases her excellent skills in maneuvering a dragon. As she wins the race, the audience feels she's in the top contention to clinch the title this year. Meanwhile, the scout teams gather to find the next golden egg.
Caldron observes the scouts have already begun their work. Iris reminds her that the scouts know they aren't alone; mages from every corner of the world gather to watch the event to find promising talents. Iris then leaves Caldron's office to cheer for a certain person (Will Serfort).

Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 then switches the perspective to Colette, who implores Sion to join her team. Sion thinks he can't turn a lady's request, so he joins. However, to his dismay, he finds out that Will Serfort is on the team. Will apologizes to Sion because it's the only way he could have participated in the tournament.
According to Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5, a team must have a total of 21,000 credits to participate in the Grand Magic Festival. Sion remembers the humiliation he faced from Will in the dungeon. Yet, with fists clenched, he joins the team.

The narrative for Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode then shifts the location to the stadium, where Mike Maius, the host grandly welcomes the audience for the afternoon's competition.
The elves cast an enormous spell to create the playing area outside the stadium, consisting of four zones: The volcano zone, The Marshland Zone, The Grass Zone, and The Woodland Zone.

The host announces that the contestants have to begin outside the playing area and make their way into the stadium. The team that reaches the crown waiting in the center wins the tournament. However, it won't be easy with multiple traps placed all over the playing area.
Mike then showers praise on Wignall and Julius' teams, calling them favorites. On the other hand, he points out Will Serfort's team and says that they are favorites to come last.
Meanwhile, professor Workner notices Will competing in the tournament, so he confronts him about it. However, the boy calmly tells his professor that he has to win, even if everyone laughs at him.
Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5: Will Serfort surprises everyone with his incredible skills

The narrative for Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 moves to the contest, where Will Serfort and others begin the race to the center. Several golems pose a challenge, but Will Serfort and Colette's combined skill effortlessly enables the boy to defeat them.
Colette chants an Earth magic spell to endow Will with a magic gauntlet. Will uses it to rummage through the golems. Undoubtedly, the boy's skill silences the crowd, who were busy criticizing him. With speed and accuracy, Will's team becomes the first to break through the golem thicket.
Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5: Julius confronts Will as the latter's team takes charge
The narrative for Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 shifts the perspective to Sion Ulster, who recalls how disgusted he was after being saved by Will in the dungeon. That's why he worked hard like a madman to hone his skills. Yet, he thinks he falls short of Will's will.
On the other hand, the Grand Magic Festival's Crown Attack contest moves swiftly, with Will Serfort's team miles ahead of the other competitors. He showcases the experience gained from his countless dungeon battles to pulverize the obstacles.

The crowd can't believe what they see, but professor Edward remains unfazed. Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 then shows Will's team effortlessly clearing the Badlands zone. Colette uses her magic to craft swords for Will, with which he obliterates the traps. While Sion is in Will's team, he becomes slightly stern seeing the boy get all the limelight.
The host wonders whether there's any team that can put up a fight to Will's squad. The narrative for Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 then switches to Julius Reinberg, who figures out that Will has advanced them in the Crowd Attack. While his teammates worry, he assures them that he will take care of them.

Meanwhile, Will Serfort enters the final hurdle, the Enchanted Woods, a zone filled with magic guard traps. However, nothing fazes Will, who triggers the dark magic traps in way that they destroy each other. Following that, he thinks he should get to the terrain to gain further advantage before Julius arrives.
However, Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 then shows Julius launching a surprise attack on Will Serfort. The boy can't believe the ice user beat him and Colette in the Cast-and-Dash race. What's more, Julius appears alone.

Just when Will decides to face him, Sion Ulster casts a devastating fire spell from behind. The spell was targeted not only at Julius but also Will. Colette demonstrates her Earth magic to erect a wall to save Will just in time.
She shouts at Sion, but the boy says he wants his due; Sion Ulster then challenges Will to a battle. The protagonist is flabbergasted by Sion's proposal.

Meanwhile, Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 shows Julius Reinberg demonstrating an ice spell to create a barrier, which splits Will's forces. Colette remains on one side, where she has to face Julius.
On the other side of the ice wall, Sion challenges Will, even though the boy says it's not the right time to fight each other. However, the fire mage remains adamant. Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 5 ends with Sion challenging Will Serfort for a face-off.
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- Wistoria: Wand and Sword episode 4 full highlights
- Wistoria: Wand and Sword chapter 44 highlights
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