Yakuza Fiancé episode 3 aired on October 21, 2024, and introduced Toriashi Shouma, who, along with Yoshino and Kirishima, forms the typical romance anime love triangle. Although Kirishima's violent nature as a yakuza was toned down once again, the rising tensions between the yakuza factions might soon bring that side of him to the forefront in future episodes.
The anime is being adapted from the manga, with the current pace of three chapters per episode. While the series has yet to break into mainstream popularity, its unique take on the romance genre may soon lead to a rise in its popularity as one of the standout romance anime in the Fall 2024 anime season.
Disclaimer- This article contains spoilers for Yakuza Fiancé episode 3 and reflects the author's opinions.
Yakuza Fiancé episode 3 highlights
Yakuza Fiancé episode 3 started with Kirishima spending time with an unknown girl, during which he openly shared details about Yoshino, including their close family ties and daily interactions. When the girl suggested Yoshino might dislike him, Kirishima briefly considered giving up on her.
Meanwhile, Yoshino, sensing a figure in her room, initially dismissed it as a dream but later suspected it was Kirishima. She considered self-defense, like hiding a kitchen knife under her futon.
Later at night, Kirishima entered her room again, and she caught him braiding her hair. In anger, Yoshino threatened him with the knife, but Kirishima disarmed her and apologized for scaring her. Yoshino confronted him about sneaking in, and Kirishima admitted to using a spare key.
The episode later shifted to Yoshino receiving a letter from her grandfather and Kirishima, containing photos of her father. They discussed her father's unremarkable life and yakuza opposition.
Kirishima mentioned that Renji would be visiting Tokyo soon for a Gouyuu League meeting. At the meeting, Renji was welcomed by the Director, Reishi Ebine, who praised the leaders’ efforts to maintain unity amidst growing pressure from authorities.
Later, Kirishima remembered seeing photos of Yoshino's father with Renji and their boss, Gaku. Yoshino, surprised by the photos, noted the strong resemblance between Kirishima and Gaku in their younger days. Meanwhile, Renji engaged in brief conversations with Gaku and Hishiba at the league meeting, before being invited for a drink by Ranzou Suga.
Yoshino then had a casual meeting with Taketo Hotei, a member of Somei House, who suggested bringing Kirishima to Osaka to formally introduce him. They discussed Kirishima’s unpredictable nature before Shouma arrived. In a separate scene, Kirishima accessed his personal space, used for detoxing yakuza members.
Yoshino and Shouma went shopping, and Yoshino helped him with some items he had forgotten. Later, during dinner, Yoshino described Kirishima as unpredictable and extravagant. Shouma inquired about her relationship with Kirishima, and Yoshino clarified she had no plans to marry him. The episode concluded with Shouma suggesting they eliminate Kirishima, a proposition that left Yoshino stunned.
Yakuza Fiancé episode 3 review
Yakuza Fiancé episode 3 once again primarily focused on the somewhat evolving relationship dynamic between Yoshino and Kirishima while simultaneously exploring Yoshino's true feelings on the matter. The pacing of the episode remained consistent, adapting exactly three chapters of the manga, similar to episode 2.
Kirishima's violent and volatile nature, which was prominent in episode 1 of the anime, was overshadowed once again, with his personality being reduced to comic relief, contrary to the tone set in the first episode.
Given Studio Deen's reputation following the subpar adaptation of the Seven Deadly Sins anime, a drop in the animation quality was expected, but that has not been the case, likely due to the series' sparse reliance on heavy animation sequences and its unique art style.
Although the episodes so far have primarily focused on Yoshino and Kirishima, episode 3 shed light on the Yakuza heads and explored the backdrop that distinguishes this romance anime. While the animation has remained consistent, the sound design and soundtrack continue to be unremarkable.
Final Thoughts
Yakuza Fiancé episode 3 will be released on October 23, 2024, and will be available for streaming as part of Crunchyroll's Fall 2024 lineup. Episode 3 fully adapts chapters 6, 7, and 8 of the series. Fans who wish to continue the story can begin reading from chapter 9 of the manga.
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