The next Chainsaw Man chapter is just days away, and anticipation is higher than ever. Given chapter 192's events, it is clear that Yoru is on to something. From the moment they first interacted up until now, there looks to be a marked change in her behaviour towards Denji. At present, fans might even say that it could be Yoru, and not Asa, that is crushing on the orange-haired teen.
However, if looked at closely, Yoru's constant advances toward Denji may hold a deeper and darker truth. This is what a recently surfacing theory in the fandom states, and readers are looking convinced. It builds on the fact that Yoru's ability to form strong weapons depends on her perception of ownership of that object/person, and the guilt of doing so.
If all this is indeed a ploy to transform Denji into an implement of chaos, Chainsaw Man could be heading down a dark path.
Disclaimer: This article is speculative in nature.
Chainsaw Man: Yoru making passes at Denji might hold a sinister secret
This new Chainsaw Man theory speculates that Yoru might be using her charm and what she has learnt from Denji to make him fall for her. This is so she can turn him into a weapon more easily, given that turning objects/people into weapons relies heavily on her perception of ownership of them. In simple words, if Denji falls for her, she can essentially "own" him and thus weaponize them.
The theory first refers to chapter 183, wherein Denji mentions that he had something to live for as long as the world had "grub and girls." Then, in chapter 192, Yoru insistently cooks for him. This can be seen as an attempt to give him what he has always wanted. The theory then veers a little, putting forth Fami and Public Safety's plan of weaponizing Denji as their only hope against Death.
But then again, for some reason, Yoru is reluctant to do so. The theory concludes by hypothesizing that instead of turning him into a weapon, Yoru wants Denji to switch sides as a means to save him. If on the Devils' side, it could be that the Death Devil spares him and he wouldn't need to be turned into a weapon. So, through "grub and girls," she is trying to have him switch sides so he doesn't die.
Yoru might have something else in mind

The explored theory does seem quite plausible. As mentioned, the marked difference in Yoru's behaviour hints at her possibly crushing on the boy. After all, he does seem to have the uncanny quirk of getting along with the most unusual of folks. Yoru trying to save Denji can be one viewpoint, but there could also be another— Yoru is enticing him to weaponize and stay together with him.
As per the lore, the War Devil (or Asa) needs to perceive themselves as owning something to weaponize it. "Perceive" is key, not reality (when Asa weaponized the Aquarium). For living beings, this can happen in 3 ways— Love (Yoru stated that someone being in love with her meant that she had claimed their heart and could weaponize them), Progeny (Gun and Tank), and Conquest (Yoru's bested foes were "spoils of war," so she owned them— what she tried with Pochita).
To top this off, the weapon's power depends on the guilt felt whilst creating it. Given that they share emotions, Yoru can use Asa's guilt to power her weapons. Now, Yoru's reluctance to turn Denji into a weapon may be linked to the Love point— a double-edged sword, wherein romantic feelings mean that like Yoru owns someone, they might own her too, thus preventing her from weaponizing them.
Here, Asa has sacrificed a lot to save Denji, which means that the potential guilt she might feel upon his death would be considerable. So if Yoru were to end up turning Denji into a weapon, it would be strong. But simultaneously, Yoru's changed outlook towards Denji, and her constant advances, could be to further the Love point, weaponize him, and have him by her side henceforth.
Final Thoughts

This is yet another intriguing addition to the plethora of existing Chainsaw Man theories. The formulation of such pieces of speculation speaks volumes of Tatsuki Fujimoto's storytelling style and the mysterious elements of the series. Nothing can be said for certain until events take their natural course, which seem to surprise and shock at each turn.
A change in Yoru's behaviour in Chainsaw Man towards Denji could mean anything at this point. However, given the events of the Aging Devil Saga and now chapter 192, circumstances lean more towards a developing affection from Yoru for the boy. But it could also be that she now wants him all to herself, Denji and power, as he would make a powerful weapon and with her, and be inseparable from her.
Related links:
- Chainsaw Man can't and won't separate Asa and Yoru, and it's obvious why
- Chainsaw Man proves Yoru will never see Asa as an equal
- Are Asa and Yoru the same person in Chainsaw Man? Explained