The Undead Unluck anime recently announced its cast members, which included Eren Yeager’s voice actor Yuki Kaji, who will be voicing Rip Tristan in the anime series. The official account of the anime series recently took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to announce 5 new cast members. As per the announcement, Ayumu Murase, Yuki Kaji, Toshiyuki Morikawa, Ikumi Hasegawa, and Hiroki Yasumoto are the latest addition to the cast members of the anime adaptation.
Yuki Kaji's role as Eren Yeager in Attack on Titan has finally come to an end. While fans are still processing the end of a decade-long saga, they have a new project to look forward to. Kaji's expertise in this field will be invaluable as fans prepare to witness his talent once again in a new avatar.
Disclaimer: The last section of this article has mentions of self harm and suicide.
Undead Unluck anime animation studio, cast, and crew
Yuki Kaji shot to fame following his role as Eren Yeager in the Attack on Titan series. This talented voice actor has spent years playing the role of a protagonist in a show that is considered to be a modern masterpiece.
Yuki Kaji's experience would be paramount as he voices Rip Tristan from the Undead Unluck anime series. He also won the prestigious Seiyu Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role in 2014 for portraying Eren Yeager.
The full cast list for Undead Unluck is as follows:
- Fuuko Izumo - Moe Kahara
- Andy - Yuichi Nakamura
- Gina - Aoi Yuki
- Chikara Shigeno - Ayumu Murase
- Creed - Hiroki Yasumoto
- Latla - Ikumi Hasegawa
- Clothes - Jun Fukushima
- Apocalypse - Tomokazu Sugita
- Fan - Toshiyuki Morikawa
- Mui - Yui Ishikawa
- Rip - Yuuki Kaji (Eren Yeager from Attack on Titan)
The Undead Unluck anime will be animated by David Production. This is a popular animation studio that has worked on a ton of projects such as Cells at Work! and JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures.
Here’s the main staff of the anime adaptation:
- Director - Yuki Yase
- Script - Yamato Haishima (episodes 1-3)
- Storyboard - Mamoru Kurosawa (episode 3) and Yuki Yase
- Music - Kenichiro Suehiro
- Original creator - Yoshifumi Tozuka
- Character design - Hideyuki Morioka
- Art director - Keito Watanabe
- Producer - Hiroshi Kamei, Masahiro Tomobe, Sota Sato
- Editing - Kiyoshi Hirose
- Theme Song Performance - Queen Bee (Opening Soundtrack) and Kairi Yagi (Ending Soundtrack)
Undead Unluck anime plot in brief
The story begins when Fuuko Izuomo decides to take her own life after completing the concluding chapter of her favorite manga series. This poor girl has a strange condition that led to the death of her own parents - anyone who touches her will suffer extreme misfortune.
Just when she was about to jump from the bridge onto a train track, a mysterious man had touched her. The platform underneath him then broke and he found himself falling onto the train track.
In a bizarre turn of events, Fuuko then saw the corpse regenerate. She named him Andy, deciding to team up with him and finding a way to put his suffering to an end. However, little did they know that an evil organization is attempting to catch hold of this duo in order to utilize their powers.
Stay tuned for more Undead Unluck anime and manga news as 2023 progresses.