Zenshu episode 2 was released on January 12, 2025. In this installment, Natsuko continued her journey within the fantasy world while attempting to return to her original world. Additionally, the episode provided a quick analysis of how the anime film A Tale of Perishing was created, highlighting the number of panels required to produce a single scene.
The episode also added an enigma to the protagonist's powers, revealing that Natsuko might not be able to spontaneously activate them. This revelation sparked speculation about how the female protagonist might change the ultimate conclusion of the movie, as she could become an active part of A Tale of Perishing's frontliners.
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Zenshu episode 2: Natsuko tells the process of A Tale of Pershing's making
Zenshu episode 1 surprised fans with an unexpected plotline. Similarly, Zenshu episode 2 continued to astonish viewers with a unique plotline that hadn't been showcased before. The second episode commenced with the continuation of the previous episode as Natsuko woke up after three days, which might be due to her powers as an 'anneemator.'
Given the severe drawback, this hinted that Natsuko's powers might not have reached a mature level yet. After reuniting with the Nine soldiers, Natsuko was asked why she knew about the raid of the voids. In response, Natsuko explained the making of the anime film A Tale of Perishing.
According to the female protagonist in Zenshu episode 2, A Tale of Perishing was directed by Tsuruyama Kametaro. In the anime film, one second was equivalent to 24 FPS (frames per second). These frame rates are divided into three parts, and each animator gets to draw 8 panels. Combining these three 8-frames is equivalent to one second of an anime film.
As some fans might already know, anime films take longer than the animation of a TV series, so the frame rates might vary for the latter media. This detail added a nice touch to the anime, as fans expected to witness the life of an animator in this anime. Just like Zenshu episode 2, the future might also see studio MAPPA add such fun facts to the anime.
Zenshu episode 2 review: Natsuko's powers and her impact on A Tale of Perishing
The second installment also delved into the lore surrounding Natsuko's powers as an 'anneemator.' In the previous episode, Natsuko animated a gigantic warrior who fought the warriors and saved the day. However, in Zenshu episode 2, she couldn't create the same monster because it was out of stock.
This might be crucial to the plotline and would produce Natsuko's worth as an animator. She will need to come up with a new monster in the future too. In the second installment, she created a vague being that flew through the sky, piercing every Void, including the Mothership.
Episode 2 also brought up the question of whether Natsuko might change the final outcome of the anime film. As previously explained, A Tale of Perishing ends with Luke Braveheart losing everyone from the Nine Soldiers due to the strength of the Voids.
However, with Natsuko's powers, things might be redeemable. In the first installment, Unio was saved from self-destruction (which happened in the original timeline) because of Natsuko's interference. So, could Natsuko save Luke from going into depression?
Final thoughts
Zenshu episode 2 did expand the lore of the series' plotline, but it introduced more questions instead of answers. Fortunately, this might be good, as the series is not based on source material (original anime), and everything would be established slowly. So, fans should eagerly wait for the release of the next episode.
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