In the world of anime and manga, very few series have captured the attention of the audience like One Piece and Naruto. These two franchises have built huge followings, sparked numerous debates, and made a lasting impact on the industry. However, a recent incident involving the birthdays of Zoro and Jiraiya has brought to light the rivalry between these beloved series.
The fact that Zoro's birthday apparently overshadowed Jiraiya's to such an extent that many fans allegedly overlooked it, has led netizens to comment about the enduring popularity and cultural significance of One Piece.
Majority of anime fandom celebrates One Piece's Zoro's birthday, allegedly forgets Naruto's Jiraiya
Roronoa Zoro stands out as one of the key figures in the world of One Piece, recognized for his remarkable sword skills and unwavering allegiance to his captain, Luffy. With time, Zoro's popularity has soared, earning him a place in the hearts of fans across the series.
However, a recent tweet by Black Leg on X highlights the astonishing fact that Zoro's popularity apparently took over Jiraiya's birthday. Zoro, with his iconic green hair, three swords style, and unwavering determination, seems to have captured the hearts of fans worldwide.
His birthday was reportedly trending for two days across various social media platforms, including X (formerly Twitter). On the other hand, birthday wishes for Jiraiya were allegedly nowhere to be seen.
This starkly contrasts with Jiraiya, a character from Naruto, who previously enjoyed immense popularity but has allegedly faced criticism of late, leading to some fans asserting that Zoro surpasses Naruto in terms of quality. Further, it is interesting to note that on November 11, 2023, Jiraiya's birthday went unnoticed by fans.
Surprisingly, the attention was directed towards celebrating Zoro's birthday instead, which also falls on November 11. This observation suggests that Zoro's popularity has allegedly surpassed Jiraiya's and highlights the fandom strength of One Piece, when compared to Naruto.
History of One Piece vs Naruto feud
Fans of both anime series have engaged in years of debates over which one is superior. Each series has its strengths and weaknesses, garnering dedicated fan bases. This recent incident, however, seems to have resolved the debate for now. The fact that Zoro has allegedly become more popular than Jiraiya suggests to some anime enthusiasts that Naruto's popularity has likely decreased.
One of the reasons why the latter series stands out, when compared to Naruto, is its storyline. It follows a group of pirates on their quest for the treasure, presenting them with various challenges and obstacles along the way that require teamwork to overcome.
In contrast, Naruto revolves around a ninja's journey to become the strongest in his village. While both stories offer entertainment and rich life lessons, the latter possesses a grander scale and delivers a more fulfilling conclusion.
One of the reasons why One Piece is superior to Naruto is due to its compelling characters. Zoro, for instance, proves to be a more captivating character compared to Jiraiya. Zoro possesses depth and complexity as he relentlessly pursues his ambition of becoming the greatest swordsman in the world. On the contrary, Jiraiya appears one-dimensional, primarily characterized by his fondness for women, and his occasionally inappropriate behavior.
Final thoughts
In summary, the fact that Zoro has become more popular than Jiraiya clearly shows that One Piece is superior to Naruto. The latter has a captivating narrative, well-developed characters, and a grandiose atmosphere.
Despite Naruto being a fan-favorite series, it has been overshadowed by the thrilling pirate adventure story in terms of both popularity and quality. Fans, from both fandoms will undoubtedly continue to debate about which one is superior. Currently, it is evident that Oda’s masterpiece reigns supreme.