Deepika Kumari and Pravin Jadhav will compete in the mixed event after the latter finished as India's highest scorer in the ranking round of the men’s individual event on Friday. Initially, it was expected that Deepika would partner with her husband Atanu for the Olympics. However, Pravin Jadhav outperformed his fellow male compatriots earlier today and will now pair up with Deepika Kumari.
Pramod Chandurkar, secretary-general of the Archery Association of India, confirmed the news in an exclusive chat with Sportskeeda.
“Praveen Jadhav will compete in the mixed team event. It was decided whoever will perform will get a chance to compete in the mixed team event,” he said.
This is the first time Deepika Kumari and Pravin Jadhav will compete together.
The mixed teams are ranked by the combined totals of the highest-scoring male archer and the highest-scoring female archer from a single country, with a maximum score of 1440 points available.
Pravin Jadhav finished 31st in the men’s individual event at the Olympics with a score of 656. Atanu Das was placed 35th with 653 points, while Tarundeep Rai was 37th with 652.
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Deepika Kumari, on the other hand, scored a total of 663 points and was seeded ninth. The mixed team is placed ninth and will face Chinese Taipei in the pre-quarterfinals of the Olympics.
Tough road for Deepika Kumari-Pravin Jadhav mixed team at Olympics
Deepika Kumari and Pravin Jadhav are in contention to face gold medal favorites South Korea in the quarterfinals.
South Korea's Kim Je Deok scored 688 to be placed first in the rankings. The 17-year-old is likely to pair-up with An San. The Korean woman archer broke the 25-year-old Olympic record to finish on top in her event.
If India manage to get past Korea, they could face Mexico in the semi-final, followed by the USA in the final.
READ: 3 takeaways from Atanu Das and men's individual archery ranking event at Olympics 2021
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