India’s Ankit Sharma missed the Gold medal by a whisker at the Asian Grand Prix Games after putting forth an effort of 7.78m in the Long Jump category, losing out on finishing on top of the podium by 0.01m to Tang Gongchen of China.
That close loss might have a bigger bearing as the mark wasn't enough to earn him a qualification berth for the 2016 Rio Olympics.
In other results, Rajinder Singh had a disappointing outing in the Javelin Throw as he finished 7th with an effort of 70.50m. Huang Shih Feng finished on top of the podium with an effort of 80.27m. Devinder Singh finished one spot behind him in 8th position with an effort of 69.26m.
Kuppuswamy Premkumar also finished 6th in the Men’s 110m hurdles with an effort of 14.20 seconds.