The stage is set for India to produce the next Milkha Singh. GAIL (India) Limited in association with Spoment have launched India’s ambitious sports talent hunt ‘GAIL-The Fastest Indian’ to identify, groom and develop champions who can win laurels for the country.
The hunt will take place in 19 different cities throughout the country. The first race will be run in Ludhiana on 7th October 2014. After travelling across the country, the fastest Indian will finally be crowned at the grand final in Bangalore on 14th December.
The Fastest Indian competition will have three categories – 100m, 200m and 400m. 300 participants from various schools will participate in each category in their respective cities.
50 schools from each city will be allowed to participate on a first cum basis. The selections are categorized into three segments – heats, semi-finals and finals. The semi-finals will be conducted on a time trial basis, with the top eight participants entering the finals. The top three participants, both boys and girls, from each category will be awarded with a medal and certificate.
The fastest eight participants, both boys and girls, in each category from across all 19 cities will qualify for the grand nationals finale. 48 of the fastest runners from the country will have the chance of becoming the fastest Indian. The winners of each category will be crowned as the fastest Indians. The winners will receive medals and certificates. However, the real prize that these young sprinters will win is the opportunity to receive elite grooming and training from national and international trainers. They will also get financial affiliation from a renowned academic institution.
Technical Rules:
- The measurement of each lane shall be equivalent and in accordance with the International Athletics measurement standards; and each athlete shall be assigned a single lane.
- The start and finish line shall clearly be designated in white.
- There shall be time keepers assessing the time of participants.
- There shall be judges to determine the winners of each race.
- The decision on timings and winners will be taken by the organizers and their decision will be final.